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I would have loved to update this book...if I had the chapter ready. But there is a lot holding me back and I guess, I owe you guys an explanation.

I know, I started this book one year ago and have reached chapter thirty two, who would lose inspiration now? But I kind of did, I just can't write this no matter how hard I try. It's just gonna be one hundred percent shit if I do manage to come up with something. I think the problem is that the book became too long and the plot is too fuzzy. That is why I might try to rewrite it but not now, obviously.

I am really, really sorry for those of you who did read the book and commented/voted on every chapter. I am truly grateful for all of your support. That is why, as a last ditch effort, I will try to rewrite it after I come back to my country - which will be the 15th of July, Insha Allah. That said, wish me luck on my writing venture!

While I am stuck on the potato nation, I still have my other book on Wattpad. Due to exams and other work which kept me busy, I have not been able to update of blades & heroines but I might update today/tomorrow and then, as soon as I come back home. I have completed it - I just have to post so you don't have to worry about updates.

All is not lost, though - I am working on a new book, currently called Mosaic hearts but I might be changing the name soon. It's not on Wattpad yet (probably won't be, for now) but I just might post it. But that's not what I want to tell you; as soon as I finish, MH, I will definitely start working on either The Potato Nation (most probably a scrapped and rewritten version with a completely different plot unless I get lazy) Or Those Ugly Hearts, which is the pre-potato nation version for Callum's story (who is my fav, he's lit my fictional bff ok)

I hope you guys understand - I promise you I still love Farrah, Emma, Callum, Abraham & Sara. This is just my little break from them and let's hope I get back to them soon. Please, please don't remove this book from the library because this is not discontinued, I am not ditching this book.

Again, I am sorry and thank you so much for sticking with me. Also, while I am gone, tell me what you liked best about the book? That's probably gonna inspire me ;) (jk I'm fishing for compliments lol)

jokes aside, thank you, thank you, thank you and I am so so so sorry.

-- rida

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