18: Belief

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Ok, so sorry, i know I updated after a month but the thing was: I was sick last week when I had the inspiration, I didn't have the inspiration for the two weeks before that and school is killing me. It's utterly exhausting and so is the fact that the CIEs are so close and so are the mocks which means that I actually have to study for once in my life. Which sucks, to be honest.

Please do be supportive though and leave feedback and all because it makes my day. I hope you haven't given up on me.

Sorry for the rant and sorry for the rusty writing, since it's been too long. but the chapter is 5.6K words long and there is some important character development in it so be sure to catch up on all the hidden meanings underlying the sentences ;) 

I hope you guys don't hate Abraham anymore, though. He's been getting hate because he just has some anger issues and I don't like that b/c he's my baby along with the four of them, haha. 

dedicated to @_evanescence_ for the support. Thank you, lovely. I appreciate the time you took out to read my book <3

Happy Reading! 



18: Belief

The next meeting for the potato nation happens on an urgent notice.  Farrah isn’t really sure if she wants to go there but decides in favour of it because what does she have to lose? There’s time but it’s not as if she makes the most of it when she does have it. She never does her homework or anything else for that matter, just lazes around, watches the T.V or acts in front of the mirror.

So she finds herself in the counsellor’s room once again. The only difference this time is that they’ve put on a ridiculous banner that spells “the potato nation” wrong (it’s missing an “n” so it looks like “the potato ation”) and that the number of people have decreased a little. Just a little because the room is still crowded, mind you.

She automatically finds her place next to her group even though her heart is beating a tad too fast now. She’s afraid that if she’ll walk up to them, they’ll confront her and tell her that she’s a liar, liar, liar and it’s more worse because she hates confrontations.

“Hey,” She says nervously, standing on her toes to see the front of the room.

The others return her greeting and carry on with their lives. Not that she minds. She’s absolutely fine, standing here on her toes, with no one talking to her. Never mind that she looks like an awkward fish…but she guesses no one even notices that.

After a few lengthy minutes, Mrs. Wayland taps her table and just like every other time, silence befalls the room. Every single person faces Mrs. Wayland now and so does Farrah, hoping that she’d actually say something useful for once.

“Okay, so, dears,” Mrs. Wayland says, clapping her hands enthusiastically, “How have you guys been doing in your assigned groups?”

They all mutter “okay” in unison and Mrs. Wayland shrugs, looking pleased, “Okay? That’s better than I expected!”

“Why don’t you all give yourselves a round of applause?” The nurse says cheerily and everyone hoots and cheers but Farrah doesn’t bother because she’s pretty sure that her group doesn’t deserve appreciation.

“Okay, okay,” Mrs. Wayland shushes the crowd down and waves her hand in the air, a perfect smile on her painted pink lips, “Today, we’re all going to learn about belief.”

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