12: People

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I can't decide if this chapter sucks or not. But here you guys go, after 25 days of waiting - for which I owe y'all an apology, I've explained it to you multiple times on my message board. Anyhoo, I'll be waiting for your comments/votes/critiques and follows considering you do decide to do either of them haha. Your reads are of value, too, tho, so salute to all the readers.

It's midnight and I need to sleep. I am not gonna rant anymore. I am sorry Sara's part is not up to rida-writing-standard but I formed her story on the spot. This story required planning and I've done none of it bc i am too lazy lel.

IMPORTANT: The first TPN meeting will be in the next chapter so look out for it in the next two weeks ok?;) OH and I"ve just started a short story (which means a lot to me bc it is raw) named Raw Hearts (lol i know) and if you'd check it out, it would mean the world to me. thank you! <3<3

sorry for holding you up and happy reading! <3

12: People

Farrah Adam cannot bring herself to accept the incredulous "potato nation" - Mrs. ayland sounded like an insane cuckoo who just escaped from the mental asylum and the nurse who smiled more often than not made her wince because Farrah was sure that the nurse's cheeks would explode at some point. All in all, the meeting in the counsellor's room hasn't particularly been sensible. Or at all.

She wonders if she should tell this to her mother but decides otherwise. Her mother will probably shout at her about how she is incapable of doing mathematics (just because she had lost that one mark that one unlucky time) and thus, isn't supposed to indulge in such activities.

Even though Farrah thinks that the name of this organization (nation?) is completely ridiculous but she does admire its aims - it brings everything in to a new perspective and works to remove the creases of pain in one's life.

If that isn't noble and heroic, she has no idea what is. It takes a lot of courage to go up and try to encourage random people that they are beautiful, that they deserve to live. After all, if you look at it the other way, they are random people too. Strangers that we know nothing about.

And despite that, she has noticed more than a few people talk about how they loved the idea of the potato nation and how they'll follow through with it.

"Why did they call you?" Farhanna asks her as soon as she steps in to the ground.

"Personal stuff," Farrah mutters.

Somehow, she is afraid that Farhanna will think that the potato nation is pathetic and will laugh it off. After all, isn't that how unbroken people think?

A part of her brain is yelling at her to stop being so judgmental.

"You and personal?" Farhanna raises an eyebrow, "Ha!"

She doesn't know why but Farhanna's words make her want to run far, far away. She has always assumed that Farhanna would understand her but that doesn't seem to be the case. Is she that unreadable? Aren't people close to her able to understand what she feels without her, lifting her façade?

Farrah tilts her head, "Everybody has a personal life. Don't you?"

Her friend chuckles, "What would I have to hide from somebody?"

Farrah heaves a sigh, "I don't know. For all I know, all this could be an act."

Farhanna catches on, "Is everything you do just an 'act'?"

Farrah shrugs, her shoulders stiffer than ever. She hates confrontation; they are like bombs and they never end well. Someone is always injured, no matter how hard they try to escape. And not only that, but Farrah has never had any idea how to respond to confrontation. She can't think of amazing answers that'd leave her opponents speechless in the spur of the moment. She just isn't that person.

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