▪️Chapter 16▪️Assistance▪️

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[3rd Person POV | Few Days Later]

It has been a few days since Jungkook went missing. A few days of torture for both Jungkook and his Hyungs. There was no progress of the search for Jungkook, as soon as the kidnappers left, all the evidence was deleted. The they deleted the camera footage, making the camera only have recordings of before when the incident happened and a day after it ended. Everything was wiped clean as if nothing has happened. For Jungkook, he was held captive. He was given little to no food and water and had to sleep in the dark and dusty he first woke up in.


"IT HAS BEEN A FEW DAYS! DAYS! AND WE HAVE NO LEAD ON WHERE JUNGKOOK IS!" Yoongi growled in frustration, banging his fist on the coffee table. The others stayed silent, surprised by their oldest rapper's outburst just after Bang PD left after telling them the bad news. "WHO KNOWS WHAT IS HAPPENING TO HIM NOW?! HE COULD BE GETTING TORTURED!"

"Yoongi Hyung, I-" Hobi, the sunshine of the group tried to calm the older down. But Yoongi did not care. He suddenly faced Jimin and accusingly pointed at him.


"B-But Hyung, I-" Jimin stuttered, intimidated by his Hyung's growling.

"SHUT UP! I don't want to hear another word from you!" Yoongi finished, storming out of the dorm, most likely to his studio. The others were frozen at the sudden argument. Jin decided to make the first move.

"Jiminie, you know Yoongi didn't mean that-"

"No Hyung." Jimin interrupted, "It's true." He sighed, brushing is fingers through his hair and running up the stairs and isolating himself in his room.

"Come on guys, let's get prepared. We have dance practice in 30 minutes." Namjoon sighed, the members doing what they were told.

[At the Laboratory | Jungkook POV]

It has been a few days... A few days in this place I call 'Hell'. I tried to escape, but it was hopeless, I got caught and I was given no food or water for the whole day. I didn't actually start any experiments or whatever, they just got all my personal details like my blood type and DNA. I'm not giving up though, I know my Hyungs are trying to look for me. Even if it takes years, I'll be willing to wait until my Hyungs find me again. I hope they are okay though... It must be tough to work with one member absent from the band...

I flinched as I heard a loud bang on my door. As much as I wanted to ignore it, I had to go outside. I learnt that the hard way. I hesitantly walked up to the door and opened it, revealing the last person I wanted to meet.

"Get out. We'll be running some tests" Boss said, practically dragging me out of the room. 

Yes. I could hide my wings from them. However, if I do, I'd just make things worse and they would inject something in me which forces me to reveal my wings. Boss took me up the elevator into his office where there was one of the staff that was waiting by his desk. They looked oddly familiar though.

"Ah! Mr. Lee, you made it." Boss greeted the staff.

'Wait... Mr. Lee?! But it's a different one right..? I'm just being crazy...'

The staff member turned around. It WAS Mr. Lee. Our camera man. A person who worked in the Big Hit building with us. And he was working for this bastard who was standing beside me this whole time...

'Does that mean we sent an innocent person to jail?!' I internally panicked, Mr. Lee taking me to his office. The door shut behind me and Mr. Lee sighed.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt you. I didn't want to work here in the first place. I didn't want to go and harm you. I'll get you out of here okay?" I stood there shocked. He wants to help me out?! I didn't know how to react.

"However, you have go stay here... If Boss gets any word that you've left, he would go insane" I simply nodded, still speechless. "Good, now go ahead and just stay in my office, I'll lock the door..."

[With the Hyungs at Dance Practice | 3rd Person POV]

"You guys can take a 10 minute break. I'll just go and talk with Bang PD." The dance instructor declared, walking out of the studio. The members either dropped to the floor or went to their bags to get water and sat against the wall. Today's dance practice was going okay, however, their teamwork was slightly affected after the mini argument before with Jimin and Yoongi.

Jimin sat and leaned against the wall, scrolling through Twitter. He saw Yoongi sit near him from the corner from his eye. He suddenly felt guilty and sad. Guilty that he made his Hyung angry at him and sad because all Jimin wanted was to resolve conflict. Slowly, Jimin moved closer to Yoongi, hoping that his Hyung wouldn't move away.

Yoongi did not fail to notice Jimin shuffling up to him once every few seconds. He sighed and Yoongi shuffled towards Jimin, surprising him a little. Jimin leaned on Yoongi's shoulder.

"M-Mianhae Hyung..."

"Shh.. It's okay Jiminie, I overreacted. I should be sorry. You're not weak, I know you tried your hardest to try and Jungkook back.. Even if it was any of us in your shoes, I don't think we would have been able to prevent Jungkook from being taken as well.. Its okay." Yoongi apologised, engulfing Jimin in a hug. His bandmates watching from afar, happy that the conflict was resolved.

They were about to go back into their dance positions as their 10 minute break was up, until Mr. Lee barged through their studio door.

"Mr. Lee!" Taehyung quickly bowed politely, the others doing the same. "What are you-"

"I know where Jungkook is."


Ayo! I'm back! 😂 Hope you liked the chapter, I'm not really 100% satisfied. I was finally able to update, I swear, online schooling sucks.

Thank you for 3.2K+ reads and 160+ votes by the way! I really appreciate it. I don't understand how people are reading this. 🙏🏻💜💜💜

Just a quick fangirling moment- TXT RELEASED THEIR NEW ALBUMMMM!!! YASSSSSS I'VE BEEN LISTENING NON-STOP!! I've been internally squealing and texting one of my friends about the release XD My Monday just got better because of that. 😂

Welp, that's all I gotta say for now. Bai bai! Good morning/night! 💜💜💜

Word Count: 1116 words.


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