▪️Chapter 10▪️Full of Fun! Pt.1▪️

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[DAY ONE | WEDNESDAY | 3rd Person POV]

It was 9AM. The sun shone brightly through the windows of the Bangtan household. Jin was awake, cooking waffles, Namjoon and J-Hope were on the sofa looking through Twitter, Yoongi was still in bed and VMin was playing video games. Jungkook shuffled in his bed and woke up to the sound of Jin calling the members down for breakfast and...


Jungkook sat up in his bed fully awake. He rubbed his eyes and stretched his wings out and walked out of his room to see what the bickering was about. As he arrived downstairs, Jungkook spotted Jin scolding Namjoon who was next to another broken decorative vase.


"Sorry Hyung.. Heheh." Namjoon answered, internally grateful that Jin wasn't giving him any consequences... Hopefully.

Jungkook stifled a giggle and made his way to the dining table and sat between Hobi and Taehyung. Yoongi shortly followed the other members with his usual sleepy face.

"Good morning Jungkook!" Greeted Jin as he passed a plate of waffles to Jungkook.

"Morning Hyung! What will we do today? We have the whole week off!!" Jungkook happily responded, instantly digging into his breakfast.

The members cooed and laughed at the adorable sight.

"Well, we have no plans yet. You can start making suggestions Kookie!" Jimin offered.

"Maybe, we could have a day or two to just rest in the dorms and do whatever we want and... We could also go to an amusement park and walk around the heart of Seoul!"

The Hyungs agreed. After a bit of talking, they all came to a conclusion that today and other random days in the week will be lazy days and the rest will be eventful. The members finished their breakfast and went their separate ways, not forgetting to wash their own dishes. Jin and Taehyung we're preparing to go shopping at around lunchtime. J-Hope, Jimin and Jungkook were playing around, Namjoon continued to read a novel and Yoongi trudged back to his and Hobi's room to sleep. Again.

[Mini Timeskip after Lunch | With Jin and Taehyung]

Jin and Taehyung walked through the mall, passing by many stores. It wasn't that crowded. People were working and it was 4PM, way past lunchtime. They arrived at the supermarket and walked through the aisles. The duo started to gather the things they needed, each holding a basket with a comfortable silence between them.

"Hyung, Kookie and the other Hyungs are safe now... Right?" Taehyung asked timidly.

"Yes Taetae. What makes you ask that?" Jin responded gently.

"I... Don't know.. But I guess, ever since we found out who 'Unknown' was, which was a BigHit staff, I got scared. What if there are more people like that and are just casually working in the company? What if they'll start targeting us? What if-"

Jin carefully placed his basket on the floor and engulfed Taehyung in a hug, ignoring the looks from random customers walking by.

"Taehyung-ah, everything is okay. Bang PD is certainly doing a security sweep around the company making sure that there are no more of those horrible people. No matter what happens, we will always be here for each other." Jin said reassuringly. "Now let's get going, we have a special event to prepare for!"

Taehyung flashed his famous boxy smile and followed Jin to the cash register, insisting that he would pay this time. After paying, the members walked out of the market and approached a party store.

[At the Dorms | 5:30PM]

"Yes! I beat you again Hyung!!" Jungkook cheered, his wings fluttering in excitement.

"Aish.. You're really good at Overwatch." Jimin groaned, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Ooh! Ooh! Lemme try Jiminie!" J-Hope said, reaching out for the controller.

The front door opened and Jin and Taehyung walked inside, bags full of groceries. Dropping them off at the kitchen to unload later. Taehyung came back with the party bags and kept them well hidden in his and Jimin's room.

"Taehyung! Come and challenge Kookie on Overwatch!!" Jimin called.

"Okay!" Taehyung came running down the stairs and joining the other members in the living room.

Jin joined Namjoon on the sofa who was now browsing through Twitter.

"Did you get the party supplies Hyung?"

"Yup. I also have the 50 plain T-shirts all wrapped in and hidden in our room."

[Mini Timeskip | After Dinner | 8PM | Jungkook POV]

I'm so bored! There is literally nothing to do but just lie around and do nothing! I curled up my wings in front of me and fiddled with my feathers. I looked around the room, thinking about what we could all do to make the atmosphere more fun. My eyes landed on the couch with Hobi and Jimin cuddling with pillows and that's when I had the greatest idea. I snatched the pillow of Jimin Hyung and whacked him on the head.

"PILLOW FIGHT!!!" I shouted.

"Oh you little- COME HERE!!" Jimin yelled back, grabbing the pillow off Hobi Hyung's arms and attempting to hit me.

I erupted in laughter as I started running away and dodging Jimin Hyung, hitting him with my pillow in the process. I continued to tease my Hyung until we both got hit in the head. I turned around to find the rest of the members with their own pillows behind me. I turned back to Jimin.

"Kookie, wanna gang up?" Jimin Hyung asked.

"The Busan Bois?" I asked, giving him a cheeky smile. Jimin smiles back and we turned to the other members.

"Let the games begin. Aim. Ready. FIREEEEE!!!" We both yelled in unison, targeting the first member we see.

We continued to pillow fight, whacking and hitting each other. My stomach hurt from laughing too much. After about 15 minutes of battling each other with pillows, we all collapsed on the floor laughing and gasping for air. My Hyungs started to crawl and lie next to me on the floor.

"That was so much fun, Jungkook!" J-Hope exclaimed. I giggled in response and another idea popped into my head.

"Hey Hyungs, since we have all the pillows out, let's make a pillow fort!" The Hyungs agreed and they began constructing a fort out of pillows.

Surprisingly, Namjoon Hyung was also able to help make the fort stable without making it topple over. The Hyungs joined me inside the huge pillow fort and settled down. Jin Hyung turned on the TV and we watched a movie which turned out to be Iron Man. My favourite! However, I never got to see the ending as darkness consumed me into a deep peaceful slumber.
Hey guys! This was chapter 10! I hope you liked it. Please excuse any errors or if there wasn't a lot of detail or whatever. I've lost the motivation to write recently and I also had a writers block. There will be about 2-3 parts on this. I wanted to cram in 2 days in this chapter but I'm too tired to do that. 😅

Thank you for 890+ reads! I really can't believe it! People are actually noticing and reading my book! I'm grateful for every read I get! I really dunno how to express my gratitude through words right now. Thank you again! 💜💜💜 I really never thought that my writing would be read by other people. I basically only started on Wattpad because of my dongsaeng and because I liked writing for fun. Do you think... We could get it to 1K reads? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 😅

That's all I have. Please stay safe and sanitise as much as you can!

Goodnight/day! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Word count: 1285 words.


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