▪️Chapter 2▪️Nightmares▪️

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[Jungkook POV]

I woke up in an unknown dark place. I can't describe it really, it's just nothing, black was just surrounding me. I saw a slight white glow around me, I turned around and saw my wings. I tried to hide them, I imagined my body, just a normal body of a boy with no wings. But it didn't work! It always did, it's how I was able to not be judged just before I met my Hyungs. I started to hear faint footsteps echoing behind me, I turned around to spot a tall, shadowy figure walking towards me. I have to be honest, he looked like my Father.

Wait, my Father...?!

Once the figure came closer, I tried looking closer at his face but it was still unrecognisable. Suddenly, the figure reached down in his pockets in his pants, slowly pulling out a syringe full of blue liquid. I gasped, falling onto the ground, the figure slowly gaining more speed. 8 more shadowy figures appeared beside the tall figure with the syringe, but their faces weren't covered. They were my,

"Eomma?! Y-you're alive?! What's happening? W-what are my Hyungs doing here?" I trembled, slowly backing away.

The tallest figure's face finally revealed itself and as I thought, it was my Father. But, he looked more insane than before, he wore a devilish smile. His eyes were opened wide, full of insanity and he was twitching quite a bit. They continued to approach me with no words. I continued to slowly back away. I also looked at my Mother and Hyungs, they looked... Disgusted...

"H-Hyungs? Please tell me, what's-"

"SHUT UP!!!" Jin Hyung shouted, making me flinch and back away more.

"Jeon Jungkook," Namjoon Hyung started, "You know that our love was fake for you right?"

My breath hitched. D-did Hyung really mean that...? My vision started becoming blurry as my eyes brimmed with tears. I stopped in my tracks, too overwhelmed to move anymore.

"You're such an annoying spoiled brat. Always need attention and love. Even when your Hyungs are busy, you don't even care and just interfere with what we are doing and irritate us. Our boxes of painkillers ran out because of our constant headaches from you!" Yoongi Hyung complained, the other members nodding in agreement.

At this point, I was completely shaking all over and my tears were flowing freely. My parents and Hyungs were right in front of me. They seemed so tall, while I was here on the ground, a small weakling. My Hyungs turned to my Eomma who had her arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.

"Your Hyungs are right. You are a spoiled brat. I don't regret dying because now I don't have to deal with your selfishness now. I wish you weren't my son. You're just a BURDEN." she flatly said, rolling her eyes.

I started sobbing, my wings wrapping around my body, covering me from everyone. I couldn't believe it. Did they just mean what they said? But surely not, this is just a nightmare after all... Right? I started to hear faint laughter all around me, out of curiosity, I peeked out of my wings to see lots of smiley faces, all laughing and making fun of me. I looked up at my parents and Hyungs, they were also laughing and calling me names that I didn't want to hear again. I looked up to my Father who hasn't said a word, he was just standing there, very still... Then in a blink of an eye, he lunged forward at me, stabbing the needle into my wings, causing me to shriek in pain. Slowly, my wings, that were once shiny and white started to turn dull and black.

[Taehyung POV]

I woke up to loud screaming and sobbing beside me. I quickly sat up on the bed and turned over to the source of the screaming and it was... Jungkook. I was able to react fast enough and spring into action, cuddling Jungkook in my lap and whispering comforting things in his ear. The Hyungs burst through the door and ran to me and Kookie.

"Omo! Jungkook! What's wrong?" Jimin softly asked. Rubbing on Jungkook's back, tracing shapes on his back.

I felt Jungkook shuffle in a grip, he faced my chest, soaking my shirt with his tears. But I didn't care. The other members joined in on comforting him, giving him lots of TLC. Jungkook eventually calmed down, slowly breathing in and out. I turned him around so he could face the Hyungs and so I could back hug him.

Hobi Hyung grabbed a tissue and wiped Jungkook's tears as he asked, "Are you ready to tell us now Kookie?"

[Jungkook POV]

Should I tell my Hyungs? How will they react though? I don't want them to overreact and hate me! I might be a burden to them because they have more things to worry about now. But... If I tell my Hyungs, will it make my life easier? Not having to feel guilty every time I lie to them that I am fine when I am not? What should I do...?

I looked up and made eye-contact with all my Hyungs. I nodded slightly and responded to Hobi Hyung's question.

"I'm ready to tell you."


Hello! Second chapter of 'Our Angel' is out! What did you guys think? Feel free to leave comments!

Word Count: 902 words.


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