▪️Chapter 7▪️Phone▪️

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[Jungkook POV | 7:00 AM]

I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the smell of Jin's bacon and egg. I groaned and stretched my body and wings. Today was another long day of dance practice. That's why we're up so early. I shuffled out of my bed and did my usual morning routine. Once I was done, I walked out and went to the kitchen to get my plate of food. I saw my Hyungs at the dining table already eating. I grabbed my plate with no word and started to head back to my room.

"Jungkookie! Wait!!" I heard Jimin Hyung call. I turned around and made eye-contact with all my Hyungs.

"Yes Hyung?" I asked.

"Come and sit with us! It's been a while."

"Mm... I'm sorry Hyungs, but I wanna eat. Alone."

I turned around and proceeded to walk up the stairs, a huge wave of guilt and regret washing over me. I shut the door, sat on my bed and began to eat. I turned on my phone to find no new notifications. I sighed in relief. That unknown number hasn't bothered me. Yet. By the time I was finished eating, Jin Hyung was calling for everyone to get on the van.


I followed everyone through the front door into the van, sitting at the very back. The engine started and our manager started driving to the company building. I connected my Airpods to my phone and listened to music, looking at the scenery that we were driving past.

[3rd Person POV]

"Alright guys! Take five!" The dance instructor announced, walking out of the studio to organise some work.

All members collapsed to the ground, exhausted. The members sat in a circle, giving feedback and compliments about their dancing. Except for Jungkook, who was sitting in a corner drinking water, exposing his wings and on his phone. After about 2 minutes of resting, there was a knock on the door and Bang PD came in.

"Hello everyone, hope your dance practise is going well. I just need to speak with Jungkook if that's okay with you guys?"

The other members nodded and Jungkook went with Bang PD, not forgetting to hide his phone in his bag so no one would tamper with it. Once the door shut, the studio became silent.

"Guys... Jungkook put his phone in his bag, should we take this opportunity?" Jimin whispered, the other members huddling up a little more.

"I think we should, it's our only chance..." J-Hope replied.

"Okay, I'm getting it now, I watched where he put it." Taehyung said, going to Jungkook's bag and rummaging through it.

After about 30 seconds of looking through Jungkook's bag, Taehyung came back to the circle with the phone. Everyone huddled up together as they examined the phone. They turned it on and was met with the keypad for the password.

"Does anyone know his password?" Yoongi asked, looking at the others.

"Nope." Jin responded.

"Let's try putting our birthdays. It's only a 4 digit code, so we put in the month and day." Jimin suggested.

So each member entered in their birthdays, each and every one of them failing.

"He didn't use our birthdays!" Namjoon whisper shouted.

"Well, we gotta be quick, it's been past 5 minutes but they could back any time now!" taehyung whispered back.

"Gimme the phone! I think I know." Yoongi grabbed the phone from Taehyung's hands. He entered in their debut date, '0613'. "There! I've unlocked it. Now check his contacts. Namjoon, don't even think about touching his phone."

Jin grabbed the phone off Yoongi and scrolled down Jungkook's contacts, until he found the odd one out. He opened the contact of 'Unknown' and read through the messages. His face was full of horror by the time he was finished reading.

"Hyung? Are you okay? Did you find who Jungkook has been texting?" Namjoon asked worriedly.

"I t-think... T-this is the o-one..." Jin showed the members the phone, letting them read the messages.

The members fell silent once they've finished reading the messages, some even tearing up.

"What will we do Hyungs? We can't get the truth out of Jungkook because of this unknown person!" Jimin cried.

"I think we should tell Bang PD about this..." Namjoon suggested.

"Yeah... But how about Jungkook?" Taehyung asked.

"What about me, Hyungs?"

The members gasped and turned around as Jin fumbled with the phone and hiding it behind his back. The members were frozen and silent on the spot, not knowing why to do.

"Hyungs...? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked again, examining the members for anything unusual.

"O-oh, everything is fine Kookie. Just go ahead and get a drink and we will continue." Jin answered.

Jungkook shrugged and walked to his bag, he sat on the floor and got out his drink bottle. He looked and rummaged his bag for his phone to find that, his phone was missing.

"Hyungs... Where is my phone?"
Hello! Here I am with another chapter, hope you are enjoying the story. Sorry if it's shorter than the others, this is kinda of a filler chapter that helps build up the story. I also had a block when writing this. Thank you so much! Earlier today, I checked my reads and votes and I saw 400 reads!!! Thank you to everyone who is reading this book, I am forever grateful. 💜💜💜

I'll be back soon with another chapter. Please stay safe and sanitize always. Bye bye! 💜💜💜

Word count: 927 words.


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