▪️Chapter 1▪️Suspicious▪️

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[5 Years Later | 3rd Person POV]

The crowd screamed as BTS drove past the fans, waving good bye as they went to the dorms. Jungkook smiled and sat back on his seat, closing his eyes after the exhausting 3 hour performance. His Hyungs lowered their voices as they saw their sweet maknae falling asleep. The ride back was going smoothly until Jungkook woke up to sharp pain on his back, causing him to wince and whimper in pain. Jimin, who was sitting beside him, heard Jungkook and looked over in concern.

"Kookie? Are you okay?" Jimin asked, the others turning to Jungkook once they heard Jimin's question.

Jungkook slowly turned over to his Hyungs who were looking back at him worriedly. He yawned and flashed the biggest bunny smile he could make. "Yes Hyung, I'm good."

His Hyungs pretended to shrug the feeling off to not overwhelm Jungkook but they knew there will be another meeting once they get back home. Once the van stopped at the front of their dorm, Jungkook immediately jumped from his seat and dashed to his room, locking his door. His Hyungs gathered around in the living room, sitting in silence.

"You guys seen Jungkook's odd behaviour, right?" Namjoon asked, breaking the silence. The other members nodded in agreement.

"Yes... He always gets back pains now... He usually doesn't get back pain." Jimin replied quietly.

"When I enter his room, I sometimes see white feathers under his bed and on his desk." Taehyung added.

The members continued to discuss about their maknae and what they were going to do. They were so deep into their conversation until they heard a loud thud from Jungkook's room. The members turned their heads to the door, curious of the noise. J-Hope stood up and motioned the others to follow him. They opened the door and widened their eyes in horror. Jungkook weakly looked up and saw his Hyungs standing by the door.

"H-hyungs..." Jungkook whimpered, crouching in the middle of his room.

"Jungkook! What happened! Are you okay?! " J-Hope asked, kneeling beside Jungkook, carefully stroking his back. Jungkook sobbed even harder, ignoring J-Hope's question.

"P-please... M-make the p-pain stop..." Jungkook breathed, wrapping his arms tightly around himself. His Hyungs eyed each other in concern and hurried over to Jungkook who was screaming in pain.

"Jungkook, tell us, what's wrong?" Jin asked, massaging Jungkook's hand softly.

"N-no!!" Jungkook yelled in pain.

"Please Jungkook, we won't be able to help you if you don't tell us..." Namjoon calmly said.

"B-but... Y-you'll judge me... And h-hate me... Just like the o-others..."

His Hyungs were taken aback. They never heard their maknae say anything like that. They never seen him in immense pain. He was always a joyful muscle bunny, always playing Overwatch, eating food and working hard in his job of an idol. Jungkook started to rapidly gasp for air, shutting his eyes and grabbing onto his hair. The other members stayed there, not knowing what to do when someone was in a panic attack. Taehyung, however, rushed over to Jungkook's side.

"Jungkook, calm down, it's okay. Here, breathe along with me." Taehyung offered. He gently placed Jungkook's head on his chest.

The other members watched helplessly, looking at their maknae sadly. They all leaned in for a group hug, in hopes that it would help Jungkook calm down. Jungkook gradually became calm, breathing along with Taehyung. He listened to his Hyung's heartbeat as his body started going limp. His Hyungs were still group hugging until they heard soft snoring. They broke the hug and looked at Jungkook who was peacefully sleeping in Taehyung's lap. Taehyung carefully picked up the younger and placed him on his bed, also joining in to keep Jungkook company.

"You guys go ahead, I'll stay with Kookie tonight." Taehyung whispered, flashing a sad smile. The other members nodded, stood up and headed out the room, shutting the door behind them.

"H-Hyungs...?" Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok turned over to Jimin who was slightly shaking from the events earlier.

"W-will Jungkook be okay...?" Yoongi sighed and walked over to Jimin, embracing him into a hug.

"I'll be honest here, I'm not sure. WE aren't sure but whatever is happening to Jungkook, we will help him every way we can. Today was an exhausting day, it's late. We should get to sleep, it's a free day for us tomorrow so get as much sleep as you want." Yoongi said, the others nodding in agreement.

The members went to their respective rooms, calling it a day.


Hello! I hope you guys are enjoying my book. Feel free to leave some comments! I like reading everyone comments in books. Sorry that the chapter is kinda short.

Chapter 1 Word Count: 807 words.


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