Chapter 13

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Pharah’s POV

Flying to the Hero’s agency was nerve-wracking to say the least. They could either go along with the plan or completely disregard it and bring the other heroes to certain death. Hopefully they’ll listen if I have the top heroes supporting me, but then there’s their fear. This will be the final battle and this will be the deadliest. Some of them won’t make it, and they need to be aware of that before they fall into a panic attack mid battle, further decreasing their chance of survival.

Many Reapers have healing abilities and so do some heroes and maybe that will do, but there is the problem of  Reapers getting hurt. A couple of them might not make it to the forest in time since we will be in a city. The enemy Reapers will also be a problem, it is safe to assume they are formidable but none are Elders.

I know where they are keeping the Reapers, Armada having told me and even saying the condition they were in. Only half of the ones that were abducted still remained, fortunately, one of the survivors being Naosuke’s partner. He will be happy to hear that. But I’m not going to tell him his condition, that would break his heart too much and his soul might be affected. They were skinny, sickly pale with hollow cheeks and eyes, but there was still a fire burning in them. They haven’t lost hope.

The building was getting closer and so was my dread. The sky was clear and the wind was warm and crisp, a perfect day to tell heroes they might die. I landed softly on the steps of the large agency, already seeing a large group of heroes standing not too far.

It’s now or never.

I opened the doors with a slight hesitation and heard nothing. There was suffocating silence that could be felt the moment you walked in the room. They know, it was obvious they do and their reaction was somewhat warranted. A couple looked pissed, and I suspect it wasn’t towards the villains, others were deep in denial, refusing to take a step towards the door. Most, god, most were about ready to run and flee to whatever place will take them, and the rest had a grim acceptance with a hint of determination.

I understand that even though they’re heroes, they’re still human, but what did they expect? This is what they signed up for, right? So why do they want to leave when the citizens need them most? I could practically see a couple of them getting ready to make a speech, but with the fragile mentality I’m seeing in a lot of them, it will only do damage. To be honest, breaking into song out of nowhere is probably ridiculously weird, but they’ll need it.

“Legends never die, when the world is calling you, can you hear them screaming out your name? Legends never die, they become a part of you, everytime you bleed for reaching greatness, relentless you survive.”

I was right, they’re looking at me weird.

“They never lose hope, when everything’s cold and the fighting’s near, it’s deep in their bones, they’ll run into smoke when the fire’s near. Oh, pick yourself up ‘cause legends never die!”

My light exploded from me, wrapping around the heroes in the lobby, filling my voice with magic to let them feel it.

“When the world is calling you! Can you hear them screaming out your name? Legends never die, they become a part of you, everytime you bleed for reaching greatness. Legends never die.”

It looks like some of them are getting it, but it’s not enough.

“They’re written down in eternity, but you never see the price it costs, the scars collected all their lives. When everything’s lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat. Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream. Oh, pick yourselves up ‘cause legends never die!”

Once again, my light exploded. Power coursed through me, making my skin glow and elevate me with my ribbons flowing like rivers.

“When the world is calling you! Can you hear them screaming out your name? Legends never die, they become a part of you, everytime you bleed for reaching greatness, legends never die.”

I closed my eyes for a second, doing my best to project my emotions into my voice so they could understand what it means to be a hero.

“When the world is calling out your name.”

So they could understand what it means for the world.

“Begging you to fight.”

So they could understand what it means for the future! ‘Cause either they step up to the plate and change the game, or cower in the shadows, letting destruction run its course!

“Pick yourself up once more, oh, pick yourself up ‘cause legends never die!”

It’s now or never, heroes. What is your choice?

“When the world is calling you! Can you hear them screaming out your name? Legends never die, they become a part of you, everytime you bleed for reaching greatness, legends never die.”

My light came flowing back, bringing the feeling the heroes were experiencing along with them. Their determination is much higher now, only a few still refuse to fight. That’s fine, I just need most. They seemed more calm as well which was good, that means they are level-headed and will listen.

“Heroes, as you may already know, the villains are planning a full scale attack on Tokyo with the help of a couple Reapers. They will be calling upon every villain available in this assault and we will be there to hold it off the same way. We’ll need many heroes from all of Japan, but make sure to keep a few on the outskirts in case some villains decide to attack unprotected towns. 

“I know that so many villains fighting without a care for citizens in such a densely populated place will overwhelm you, so I've requested the help from Reapers all over Japan and that should be enough to keep the citizens safe and keep you protected, but this goes both ways. Us Reapers can still die if we use too much of our powers, so with your quirks make sure they are defended and backed up.”

A face of understanding flashed through them, ignoring the ones that were still pissed at me, for some reason. I spotted a flash of spiky blond and went to follow Katsuki who was talking on the side with Midorya and Todoroki. Are those two ever not together? Midorya spotted me and waved enthusiastically, causing the two other males to turn to me.

“Katsuki, we need to have a talk about your social skills, they were on the verge of hysteria!”

“Tch, it’s not my fault they don’t know how to take bad news.”

I just rolled my eyes, I knew he felt guilty, I could feel it, he just wanted to keep his tough guy act. Midorya smiled softly, probably because he already knows how he is, Todoroki just looks lost. Before anything else could be said, Erasure Head came from around the corner and just stared, specifically at me.

“Do you think we are in some sort of musical? What was with the singing?”

I chuckled nervously, but mostly with embarrassment, “It was the only way I could think of to calm them down, sir. My powers are useful for that and singing is the way to do it.”

“Fine, just as long as you don’t add dancing to it,” He groaned, “and please, don’t allow Present Mic to join in.”

Who . . . oh, that loud dude that for some reason really excites the kids, must be because he’s loud. His quirk is like my banshee-like powers, so he’s cool in my book, but I agree.

“Yes sir, I’m sorry for any disturbances, but we should start a battle strategy.”

He hummed dismissively before turning and walking away, the other men followed even though he didn’t say anything. They must be used to it by now.

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt