Chapter 11

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3rd POV

Katsuki and Naosuke waited as their surroundings turned dark, wondering what memory would come next. Another second of darkness passed before a forest not too unlike the one they were near before materialized around them. They turned to find the Pharah they recognized talking with a male only Naosuke recognized. Katsuki saw Naosuke tense and he suddenly realized that must be who hurt her, her first contract.

Pharah smiled at the human, extending her arm out before saying, “So, are you willing to make the contract, Leon?”

Out on the sidelines stood Cora and Jaku, they were both tense and Pharah couldn’t figure out why, they were her only companions but they were just animals, what could they know?

Leon smiled, sweet to Pharah but malicious in the eyes of Cora and Jaku though she didn’t notice. As he shook her hand, his smile turned odd even to her. He pulled her close, captivating her in his eyes and from then on he slowly but surely made her fall in love with him.

He started to nudge her boundaries, making sure it wasn’t noticeable. He made her do things that made her uncomfortable but always rewarded her to tame her unease, making sure the trust she gave him stayed intact. Everything was heavenly to Pharah as she suspected nothing of her lover who wanted nothing more than what’s best for her. But she did start to notice her bond with friends slowly deteriorate as she started spending more and more time with just Leon, she didn’t mind though, he knew what’s best for her so they were probably not the best of friends.

Sometimes though, he would get angry at her and slap her when she didn’t do something for him, she didn’t mind, she deserved it. He was being so patient with her, taking her in to teach her how to do things properly, how to be a proper lady. And then she had to come and mess up something as simple as ironing his shirt, indirectly insulting him and his kindness.

He would call her a failure, but he only said it to motivate her to do better, and if she didn’t take it like that then she was being sensitive. She didn’t mind, though, he had good intentions, that’s what should matter as long as he didn’t say such things to the children. They were young, they wouldn’t understand his intentions and be hurt by his words, the youth are sensitive as they should be, they have childhoods and innocence. Leon’s an intelligent man, he should know this . . . so why is he doing this?

Pharah stood petrified in a dark corner, watching as her lover and contractor screamed in the face of a young girl of maybe ten. She looked just as scared as Pharah, her body trembling uncontrollably as tears fell in bucket loads down her chin. She wanted to comfort her, she wanted to take her away from such a violent situation, but she couldn’t. Leon ordered her to stay put and watch.

Her world crumbled the longer she watched the person she grew to love start punching the young child. They were in her region, this was her child, why is she allowing this to happen?! Each punch hurt Pharah as much as it hurt the young girl who was now on the floor, shaking and sobbing, each inhale filled with pain.

Stop . . . stop . . . stop, please . . . please, Leon! STOP!

Why couldn’t she speak? Why couldn’t she force him to stop? Why was she asking if she knew the answer? This was her contracter, she isn’t allowed to hurt him and she isn’t allowed to talk without his permission.

“Pharah, come and finish the job.” Pharah’s head snapped up to meet his burning gaze, it still had the gleam she thought was love, but now she realized there was no love in this mad, that gleam was of pure unadulterated cruelty. She didn’t move, she was too stunned, did he just ask her to-?

“Did I stutter, Pharah? Come and finish the job before I punish you for the delay!”

Pharah flinched at the sound of his raising voice and dread filled her system when her body moved with her consent. The child looked up at her, fear flashed her features but understanding was clear in her eyes. She must’ve seen the melancholy behind her eyes. The child smiled shakily through the pain as Pharah summoned her light and formed a sharp weapon, tears staining Pharah’s cheeks the larger the spike became. She needed to calm down, she would make up for it in ten folds when she transports her, she just needed to make this the least painful as possible.

“I forgive you.” The young girl whispered before the spike flew down and pierced her heart, killing her with no pain, only surrounded by a warm beautiful light that made her smile. Pharah closed her eyes, unable to see as the light of life was snuffed from her by the very person that was supposed to protect her.

“Good, now come, there’s no need to transport her, she was a bad girl and needs to know her place.”

“What?! But I can’t let that happen, she will be so alone and afraid! She will be walking around in a limbo and she is far too young to be a Reaper, you have to let me put her soul to rest!”

Leon rounded on her, grabbing her by the neck and slamming her against the wall, “You don’t have the right to deny me, you are nothing but my slave and will follow my every command without a single complaint, that is what the contract insues.”

He let her go harshly and watched as she fell to the floor, not knowing rage and sadness was brewing under her calm facade, not knowing her broken soul was attracting the attention of a couple Reapers, particularly her friends. He walked away, expecting her to follow him like a good little servant.

Meanwhile, Pharah felt the blood of the innocent child on her light, the same light that was supposed to protect her and guide her to eternal peace.

She couldn’t take it.

She wouldn’t take it.

This was her child. She let him kill her own child. She let him use her! She let him hurt her, hurt her children! AND FOR WHAT?!  BECAUSE SHE LOVED HIM?! That man has no heart, she realized this too late. But now she was going to make. Him. PAY!

She pulled herself up into a kneeling position as Leon turned around wondering why she wasn’t by his side already. She looked up to meet his gaze and he realized he pushed her too far when he saw the feral look in her eyes. She opened her mouth and a piercing scream filled the room and spilled through the cracks of the building, reaching the ears of every Reaper in the surrounding area.

Her friends were the first to respond to her distress but they were quickly followed by many others to their fellow Reaper’s cry. All had a look fit for murder.

Naosuke and Katsuki stood there in shock when they saw the horde of Reapers flying to the warehouse, a glint in their eyes that reminded Katsuki of his own when he was younger and knew this was going to be a bloodbath. Naosuke stared in horror throughout the entire memory. Pharah had told him of the events that took place, but seeing it himself made him realize the sort of pain she held, the guilt that still refused to leave her.

Soon, all exits were blocked by Reapers and they started to inspect the scene. The children Reapers recognized the light spike going through the girl’s heart and they couldn’t believe one of their own would do this, so they knew she was forced. This knowledge was spread across the group and they found the culprit within seconds. They were on him the moment they saw his face, at least most. Pharah’s friends and the children Reapers went to the distraught Reaper, trying to comfort her the best they could but the children Reapers knew this guilt was irreversible so they offered their help in transporting the young soul.

They did and it was the most beautiful transport know in their history before the Holocaust where Reapers from all over came and transported thousands of souls. The others were also done but they kept him alive, albeit just barely so that Pharah could have the finishing blow. She walked up to him slowly, taking in his horrid state.

His skin was almost all peeled off, his hair was torn from his scalp, his fingernails were ripped off along with his tongue. He was scared, an emotion he never showed in front of her but that has changed. Seems he has forgotten what we are. Pharah stared into his eyes, letting him see how done she was. She knew this was going to eat her alive, the grief of her trust coming crumbling down so quickly will hurt her. But she wasn’t going to let him know.

“Your soul will be transported to the deepest pits in hell, you will be immortal, forever doomed to feel immeasurable pain without the peasantry of death. Let it be done.”

With that, she made the other Reapers stand back and she let her most powerful attack rip through her throat and turn him into a puddle of blood. She was free of him. But not of the guilt.

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now