Chapter 9

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Colorful words could be heard across the clearing, almost as colorful as the scenery around us. I turned to Katsuki, he was definitely amused by the spectacle, if the barely contained snort was anything to go by. My friend rambled to no one in particular, stumbling on his words from the frustration and boiling anger.

“How could she do this? That--that bitch took him, she could be hurting him as we speak!”

The ground started to tremble in sync with his body. Cracks spread like a deadly spider web with him at the center. An earthquake began as his panic increased. Katsuki wasn’t amused now. My mind halted all thoughts as my need to calm a friend took over, I can’t have him fall into a panic attack while his lover isn’t here to comfort him. Last time wasn’t pretty.

I sang a wordless tune and wrapped my light around him, trying desperately to imitate the embrace his lover would give him whenever he lost control. It seemed to work as his breathing returned to normal and his muscles relaxed in the light.

“Thank you Pharah, you suck at imitating but I appreciate the effort.”

I chuckled and sat beside him, the ground already mending itself of the cracks. “Nao, I’m going to need your help finding the remaining traitors and I’m going to need you to come with me when we find where they’re keeping them.”

“Of course I will. Are you going to tell the others where it is once we find it?”

“Yes, we’re going to need as much help as we can. Nao, why don’t you introduce yourself to Katsuki while I see if the traitor left anything I could use to track her down.”

Bakugou's POV

I watched the retreating form of Pharah for a moment before a slight cough caught my attention. I raised my eyebrow at the short but surprisingly well built man as he stared back at me, eyes shining curiously but filled with pity.

“You like her.” I tried sputtering a reply, he laughed. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell her. But you have your work cut out for you. This isn’t her first contract, and only her closest friends and the eldest Reapers know that. Everything that could possibly go wrong in a contract happened and when she finally cut it off, the others got a bit of revenge by killing the bastard.”

I understood what he meant, it explained why she was so angry when explaining the contract to me and Deku, and if he was killed, then he messed with her mental health.

“There is another thing you need to know, both of us will be inside of her mind as I look through her memories and since she remembers her past life we will be seeing glimpses of them. Whatever you see will be strictly confidential and better not leave your mouth to another human or Reaper.”

I nodded, even though I was never going to say anything in the first place. He smiled warmly, like nothing happened and we had just started a conversation.

“Anyway, now that that’s said and done with. Hi, I’m Enokida Naosuke a Child Reaper from the 742nd generation, and if you didn’t figure it out by now, I’m very gay. But don’t worry, even though you’re hot, I’m taken. Also, since you’re a friend of Pharah, you’re my friends as well, you can call me Naosuke or Nao like Pharah did. I have the power of plants, memories and healing.”

Damn, he speaks way too fast, “I’m Bakugou Katsuki, commonly known as Ground Zero the number three hero in Japan. My quirk is called explosion, it’s pretty self explanatory.”

He gasped and started bouncing on his heels, acting like a child instead of a centuries year old man. “You’re Ground Zero?! You have no idea how much my kids in this village talk about you! You act scary but my kids really respect you and want to be you when they grow up!” He inhaled sharply, “That must be why Pharah trusted you enough to form a contract with you, she must’ve heard some pretty good things about you from her kids!”

I just stared at him as he kept rambling on and on, speaking too fast for me to comprehend what he was saying. He reminded me of Deku when he gets excited from meeting a person with a particularly interesting quirk in his opinion, I frowned slightly at the thought. He would’ve definitely been one of the kids I bullied if he was in my class, rambling so much would have reminded me too much of Deku, would have made him an easy target too with his short height and sexual preference.

Why was I like that? Why was I so short minded and egotistical? Deku should’ve been the one to tell me to take a swan dive off the roof, I deserve it. No, he wouldn’t tell me that, not out loud at least, but he’s too kind to say something like that, even now. He didn’t deserve all of the things I told him, did to him, especially not when he kept his heart of gold and mastered One for All just like he promised. He deserves the spot that he’s got, I should be ranked much lower.

“Hey, Ground Zero, are you alright?” Naosuke asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. He stiffened for a moment, his features twisted in shock before he schooled his expression into something more stoic and calculating. I was confused, until I remembered he said one of his quirks dealt with memories.


“You will not tell anyone of what you saw, especially Pharah. She can not know about that.”

His eyes darkened, “This isn’t healthy, this guilt will eat away at your soul if it keeps festering at the pace that it is.” He spoke in a harsh whisper, his age now finally showing in his sea-green eyes, “You’re lucky Pharah hasn’t noticed, but she will very soon. I won’t lecture you, that is her job, but I will warn you that this guilt will keep you from achieving your happiness, something you deserve whether you want to admit it or not.”

He huffed and turned to tend to the flowers he made, pointedly ignoring me, even when I’m less than five feet behind him. My heart started to beat faster, but it wasn’t exactly mine. Pharah found something it seems.

“Hey guys, I got some sort of pendant. Nao, does this look familiar?”

“I don’t know, let me take a closer look.” He said, taking the broken pendant. As he was distracted, Pharah made her way over to me.

“Are you alright? I started feeling something strong from you, but I wasn’t sure what it was.” She whispered, an odd emotion lighting beneath her eyes that I couldn’t quite decipher.

“Yeah, just fine, Your friend here started rambling and I was confused, that must’ve been what you were feeling.”

She eyed me carefully but hummed in response. Naosuke came over, a wicked grin spread across his face as he nodded. Pharah smiled as well, the gears in her mind turning, pure glee could be seen in her eyes as well as a flash of relief. Looks like this is a very good thing.

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now