Chapter 2

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The moment the voice called out, Ground Zero placed a firm hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving

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The moment the voice called out, Ground Zero placed a firm hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. I glanced up at him and scanned his face, he was relaxed and maybe even relieved so I faced forward and waited for the mortal to get here.

To my utter surprise, he came faster than what I could imagine a human could possibly manage, let alone survive. His moss colored hair was wild and his large emerald eyes were drowning in worry.

"Kacchan! You can't just leave without telling anyone! What if a villain tried to attack and you didn't have any backup? The possibility that you could have been ambushed is really high, let alone putting a young woman's life in dang-"

Okay, he was definitely rambling now, "calm yourself boy, he wasn't alone and there was no way I would have been in danger. Two might have tried, but luckily he's on the good side of death."

The green haired man snapped his head towards me, he tilted it sideways a bit and his eyebrows were scrunched up. He opened his mouth to speak but, 'Kacchan' beat him to it.

"She's not exactly human, Deku, she has what she calls powers rather than a single quirk. She calls herself a Reaper, these two animals were made by her and she fought off the guys that are now on the floor."

Deku's eyes widened as he took in the space, realizing the ends of my ribbon were still floating around me warily. I smiled at him, I didn't want him to be scared of me, no matter his age, he still looked cute . . . Like a kid.

"Hello there, I'm Pharah, the children's Reaper in this region. I'm actually glad I'm meeting pro heroes since I have a proposition for you guys."

Their eyes widened when I said what type of Reaper I am. Oops, guess I forgot that doesn't sound like the nicest thing.

"Alright so let me rephrase that. I am one of the Reapers in charge of guiding the souls of deceased children to their final destination. That means, I do NOT kill them nor' scare them, on the contrary I calm them down with my singing and powers so that their passing is much easier."

Deku let out a sigh and his shoulders dropped in absolute relief while Kacchan was struck with a dawn of realisation.

"So that's what I saw." He didn't say it as a question, but I answered anyway.

"You are correct. What you saw was a group of deceased children forming into their souls to be carried by the wind. Those . . . Were the most purest souls I have ever seen . . . That's the reason why you saw me crying earlier. It's a foreign feeling, I haven't cried in a long time."

Jaku whined and rubbed against my side, trying desperately to comfort me. I chuckled softly while I pet him like he was everything in the world. The men were as silent as Cora while I spoke. I glanced up at them and saw Deku wallowing in frustration and sympathy, while Kacchan's face was unreadable. I breathed in to tell them I was alright, but the presence of a large group of mortals surrounding us made my breath hitch. Cora screeched in warning as she circled above us and Jaku started growling and attempted to shield all three of us. The men were shocked at the animal's behaviour but they didn't have a chance to do much else when a whole army's worth of quirk-made projectiles had their sights on killing the two pro heroes.

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now