Chapter 5

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“No . . . please don’t let it be true.” Amy whimpered, her eyes wild and brimmed with tears. “This can’t be true . . . we sacrifice . . . WE SACRIFE OUR SANITY TO TRANSPORT THESE HUMANS SAFELY AND THIS IS THE THANKS WE GET?!”

She let out a shaky breath, her anger was very well justified, but it would soon drown her if she held it close. She was on the floor, her knees had given out the moment she heard the news, shaking and on the verge of hysterics. Sitting down before her, I pulled her against my chest and laid her head on my shoulder, both my arms were wrapped tightly around her chest as hers fell numbly at her sides.

“Don’t worry, I’m here. This war will be over soon, and whoever did this will face the Elder’s Wrath, I promise.”

She sniffled, and soon quiet sobs echoed through the empty space. With a heavy heart, I turned my eyes to the men awkwardly standing together to the side, they were undoubtedly confused, but they still showed sympathy and respectfully allowed her to mourn in peace. A small gesture I appreciated greatly and knew Amy did as well.

“Amy, I suggest you take a break, I’ll ask one of the surrounding adult Reapers to hold your region. Take that man with you to your haven, with the mental state he is in, being surrounded by heroes wouldn’t do him any good. I’ll leave you an animal of your choice to keep you company, but also use it to warn me if you feel like you’re in any danger.” I pulled her away but kept her in arms length, staring into her eyes to make the message clear. I smirked and whispered, “Also, use this as a chance to get to know him. You’re lucky, you know, you found the one faster than any other Reaper.”

Her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as she nodded. Her legs were a bit weak, but she managed to stand and walk towards the now conscience man still trapped within her telekinesis. When she was just mere inches from his hovering form, she whispered what she wanted and I formed a black panther, who almost instantly padded up to them and rubbed against Amy, purring loudly as she did so.

After that, they disappeared, and I was left alone with the top three heroes. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, still sitting on the hard concrete floor, trying to think of a way to make this discovery not completely suck. There was only one bright side, now every Reaper has a reason to fight. The word just needs to be spread.

“Come on, let’s head back to base. We did our part, now the others will set this place up and make it a stronghold. Nerd, Icy-Hot, go home, ya’ look like you’ve been hit by a truck.” Katsuki mumbled.

My head snapped back to the other heroes, eyes widening as I finally realized how horrible they both looked. Midoriya’s blue suit was torn in many places and half of his metal mask was missing, his hair was even more disheveled than usual, bruises and cuts littered his body and he seemed to be walking around with a limp. Shouto’s condition wasn’t any better, half of his suit was burned right off and the other was coated in a thin layer of ice. As for injuries, he wasn’t lacking any, he got the same beating as Midoriya did.

Their battered bodies made me worried, and extremely confused. They said that this wasn’t the first time they’ve fought a Nomu, and that Deku could easily overtake them, but this doesn’t look like a clean battle. Either they lied, or the Reaper’s blood enhanced their abilities.

. . . Shit . . .

“Hey, Pipsqueak, you comin’?”

“Tch, I’m not that short, Sparky, you’re just inhumanly tall!”

“What’d you call me, Pipsqueak?!”

“You heard me, Sparky!”

--C’est une time skip--

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