Chapter 12

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3rd POV

After that, many other memories flipped through, each with varying lengths. Naosuke recognized many of the Reapers in Pharah’s memories except for a few. He knew their names, he made it his mission to memorize every Reaper’s name. He of course recognized Bella, the Teen’s Reaper, but with her were three others, Nakamura, an Adult’s Reaper, Konkuro, a Young Adult’s Reaper, and Miko a . . . Children’s Reaper. Oh, there will definitely be problems.

Katsuki and Naosuke were brought back to the present where Pharah was waiting for them, only a second passing for her. She greeted them with a smile but it slipped and turned into a raged frown when Naosuke told her who the traitors were.

“Can’t be helped, I’ll need to warn the other Reapers of them, I’ll have Amy get Armada while I message the Reapers in Japan again.”

Naosuke nodded then jumped in surprise as the girl in question popped into existence right next to him. She looked exhausted but happy, excited even. Pharah was also surprised, she hadn’t sent an animal to retrieve her.

“Pharah, bad news! Well, good news, too but mainly bad news!”

“Breath, woman!” Naosuke yelped, “What happened?”

“I know where their hideout is, where they keep all of the Reapers and I also know what their next big attack is, when and where.”

“So I’m assuming you succeeded in healing that villain's soul.” Pharah inquired, already knowing the answer.

“Yes, it was tough but well worth it, he didn’t know the identities of the traitors though but at least he knew about the big attack in Tokyo in two days. They already have every available villain willing to work with them, which is a lot, near the area and on command. Pharah, this is big, the heroes won’t be able to fend it off. They need our help!”

“I know, I was about to send a message like I did yesterday to warn them of who the traitors were, but this attack changes things. You’re right, these heroes are going to need aid in protecting the citizens and the city. Amy, go get Armada and meet me in Aokigahara, expect a message from me soon.”

She nodded and disappeared with a pop. Pharah was going to have to get there quickly, but with Katsuki with her, she won’t be able to. Bakugou sat on a fallen log near them, being uncharacteristically quiet. He was deep in thought, the hero society isn’t as close as people thought. Many heroes refuse to work with each other, their ignorance causing many casualties for both citizens and heroes.

But what stumped him most was Pharah. What she went through would make anyone become a villain, but she didn’t, instead she is even more willing to help others. Why would she help the same race that hurt her?

“Because not all humans are the same.”

He turned to Pharah who was gazing down at him with a calming smile. She felt his distress and heard his overwhelming thoughts. She knew he saw her memories and was surprised to find out he only cared as to why she was helping them. He really was something else. He stayed quiet for a moment before giving a defeated sigh, guilt and anguish oozing out of him but his thoughts weren’t strong enough for her to hear.

“You should get a move on, Bubbly Girl should be there with your friend already. Don’t worry about me, I’ll just take the train, the agency needs to know about this attack.”

Pharah nodded, “Nao-”

“Already on it, honey, come on, big guy, I’m coming with.”

Pharah watched them leave until they were swallowed by leaves, and now she was alone. She sighed and flew up to the clouds, letting them envelope her in condensation before rocketing herself back down to the Suicide Foresst, flying faster than a nearby plane. She stopped not long after in the clearing she once was, holding the pendant close to make sure it wasn’t lost. Pharah heard a pop not far behind her, she turned to see a shaken Armada and Amy with a mischievous look in her eyes.

“I . . . am never letting . . . this woman . . . touch me again!” Armada breathed, gasping during her sentence. Pharah chuckled, already knowing what it felt like to teleport with her.

“Oh come on! It isn’t that bad, you’re both so dramatic!”

“I’m the dramatic one?! The only reason I allowed you to teleport me is because you made it sound like the world was ending if I didn’t get there immediately!”

“Well, it could . . .”


“I think that is enough, Armada, I want you to look into the history of this pendant, see if you recognize any of the locations there and tell me everything you saw.” Pharah interjected, handing over Bella’s pendant into Armada’s now open palm, “I’ll need the utmost silence while I contact the other Reapers, so please, either take your bickering somewhere else or stay here and quiet.”

“Yes, Pharah . . .” They muttered.

She took a deep breath and sat down with her legs crossed, letting her light pool out and fill the forest in a glowing mist before sending them to each Reaper in Japan, including the traitors and the ones captive.

“My friends, I have come with news. The Teen’s Reaper, Bella Custoda, the Adult’s Reaper, Nakamura Kayate, the Young Adult Reaper, Konkuro Naname and the Children’s Reaper Miko Tai have been working with Villains and helping them take the blood of our brethren. I know it hard to believe that one of our own would do this, but please believe me when I say this. We have yet to find their base or where they keep the captive Reapers, but fear not, face the sun and rise. We will meet on the battlefield, all of us.”

Pharah cut off the connection with everyone except for one, her dearly trusted friend Neo Fatila, “Neo, I will need help rallying them all for the battle happening in two days in Tokyo City. You know what is assigned. Tell the others about the calling and keep in touch.”

“You’ve got it, be careful, Pharah.”

“I always am.”

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now