Chapter 1

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Why won’t this ever end? This damn war has made me work overtime with the children. These villains think they can kill and slaughter whomever they want, its sickening and I feel my voice tiring from the many times I’ve had to sing the haunting lullaby. I surveyed what once was a prospering, happy city, now turned to rubble and ash by the villain’s quirks. Thankfully, the heroes got here before too many lives were taken, but they still managed to blow up a bus full of kids as well as others getting caught in the cross-fires. No number of centuries will ever get you used to the sight of innocent children get brutally murdered. I’ve been working in this death site for a full day, it is already past midnight and I have only one more group to guide. 

A small boy tore me from my thoughts as he tugged on the bottom of my white dress, he looked up at me with tear-brimmed eyes, melancholy and pain snuffing out his light. Enough of my self-pity, I have a job to do! I smiled down at him as my hand caressed his pale cheeks, my other rose into the air and summoned a brilliant star. The boy stared at it with a twinkling interest and saw how other children began walking towards us, also intrigued. My eyes closed as I continued to beacon them with my light, my mouth opened and I started the melody that would lead them to their final destination.

    “Come little children, I'll take thee away into a land of enchantment. Come little children, the time's come to play here in my garden of shadows.”

    I opened my eyes once more to see a shockingly large group of kids, ranging from newborns being held by siblings, to the limit of one would be considered a child, fifteen. There were at least 20. Their eyes were wide, mouths slightly agape, but their bodies were trembling, and not by the result of the cold. The older younglings had come to the realization of what they were now and who I was, as they hugged their brethren tighter and tears escaped their lashes. My smile saddened, but I continued to sing, hoping I would shine just a bit of happiness and wonder before they depart from this world.

    “Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way, through all the pain and the sorrows. Weep not poor children, for life is this way, murdering beauty and passions.”

    They were less tense but not as relaxed as I’d hoped. I pondered for a bit on what to do when a couple of foxes ran out from my peripheral vision, giving me an idea. I smiled with a hint of excitement shining through me as I raised my free hand to pour out a liquid silver light from my open palms.

    “Hush now dear children, it must be this way. Too weary of life and deceptions. Rest now my children for soon we'll away, into the calm and the quiet.”

    I let my magic brimmed voice fill the light and mold it into small fluffy critters that jumped on and around the children, yipping and squealing as they danced with joy until the younger children joined them. The older ones gaped with wide eyes between the scene and me, while I smiled with laughter in my eyes. I started to ascend into the pitch night sky, carrying them with me using my silver light to hold them gently and wrap around them like a warm blanket. They had finally accepted what they are and were calm enough for me to transport them.

    “Come little children, I'll take thee away into a land of enchantment. Come little children, the time's come to play here in my garden of shadows.”

    The silver light around them started to glow brighter as their bodies became translucent and were replaced with shining white orbs that illuminated the sky in such a way, it felt as if they themselves were the sun before they broke into smaller particles and sent on their way by the helpful wind. My voice cracked lightly. That was the most brilliant departure I’ve ever seen. Their souls were so pure, so kind, so unworthy to have died in such a way, my breath hitched and tears slid from my eyes as I reached the ground and fell to my knees. I couldn’t control my sobs, this was the first time I broke down like this since my first century of being a Reaper, I didn’t even notice the pounding steps coming my way.

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now