chapter 6

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The moment I stumbled through the door of Katsuki’s apartment, a mouth-watering smell hit me full force. He was making some sort of curry, and I could practically feel the heat coming from the spices, promising a burst of flavor that would make me feel alive. I didn’t know he cooked, but it made sense, he does live alone and he needed fresh home-made meals to keep his body healthy. I tried sneaking past him to the bathroom, but I guess luck wasn’t on my side,

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I winced, turning to meet his scowling face. His eyes scanned me, stopping every time he saw a bruise or cut. It was like he could see right through me, it was creepy.

"The hell happened to you? I thought you were just transporting." He grumbled, turning off the stove and making his way towards me

"Yes, but a villain was the one that killed her and was about to shoot the others. I would never allow a child to get hurt in my presence, so I did what I had to."

He wasn't too happy with my answer, though he did seem to understand where I was coming from. He's a hero after all. Katsuki sighed and jogged over to his bathroom, returning shortly with his med kit.

"Let me patch you up first before we eat, tomorrow we can go to a forest to get your energy replenished."

I shook my head, "There's no need. Another benefit to having a contract is that I won't need my bond to nature for my power energy. Just being around the person I made the contract with will naturally fill my internal energy storages. It's very convenient."

He stared at me for a moment before grabbing a bottle of rubbing alcohol and soaking a rag with it. I knew it was going to sting, I had experience from both my past life and healing a couple of my children's scrapes whenever they fell. It's rather curious though, how considerate this hot-headed hero could be. I wondered if this was what a proper contract was like. But Amy is thinking of making a contract with that villain, even if he had a change of heart, what he once was is never truly gone.

I could get the help of a mind-reading Reaper to get information from him. It's risky though, there's a possibility his fragile soul would take too much offense and break under the pressure. I'll have to talk to Amy about it, she is the only one who would be able to form a strong enough bond to keep him together. There is something strange between those two, could it be possible they--

"Take off your dress."

"Pardon?" I gave him a blank stare, but he just met my gaze head on.

"It's in the way, I can't get all of the cuts with it on." He explained, it's a sensible reason, still a weird thing. I just needed to calm down, it's not awkward unless I make it awkward. He's just mending my wounds, nothing more. I did what he asked and quickly disposed of my white dress, folding and placing it beside me. He clicked his tongue when he saw the excessive amount of wounds, old and new, that were kept out of sight.

With his thumb, he traced a particularly deep scar spanning from just above my left hip to below my silk white bra on my right. He glanced up at me, clearly waiting on an answer as he kept cleaning the still bleeding cuts on my stomach and back.

"I got that from my past life." I sighed as he abruptly stopped and snapped his head to face me. "There isn't much I remember from back then, but of course I can never forget the blow that finally ended my life at the age of, what I think is, 41. I know, old, right? Well it seems like when I died and came back as a Reaper, I was somehow back in my twenties."

"How long have you been dead?"

"I'm the last from my generation, the oldest Reaper still alive. I'm a third gen Reaper, dating back to early civilization."

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now