Chapter 10

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(I have now realised how exaggerated I made this Reaper timeline. Humans didn’t even exist 500,000 years ago, well they did but a much more primal version. The earliest fossil found of Homo Sapiens was dated to 300,000 years ago. So to just keep the plot going, I’m going to say that many people now existed when Pharah was alive and there was fighting.)

3rd POV

“Darling, this is your call. What do you want to do?” Naosuke asked, Katsuki  tensed involuntarily at what he called Pharah. Damnit, he’s gay, why is he acting like this?

“Let’s keep doing what we originally planned, we need to know who we’re dealing with.”

“Roger that, darling, just close your eyes and you won’t feel a thing!”

Pharah did as she was told and the moment he touched her it was like they went through a portal, it felt like they were sucked through a tube of invisible matter. They felt themselves stop, staggering as the sudden force pulling them along disappeared. It took them a while to reorient myself, their vision was blurry and their body felt sore. They noticed they were in the middle of some sort of camp as they were surrounded by tents made out of animal skin.

The air was sticky with moisture and the camp was situated right at the border of a dense jungle. Katsuki shivered slightly from the cold morning breeze, dawn had just risen and odd bird calls could be heard from inside the forest. A couple soldiers were out and about, warming up for whatever it was they were doing later or cooking breakfast for the others still sleeping. He turned to see Naosuke there with him, but no Pharah. She must not be able to look with them. Light footsteps made their way over to them and he noticed how the soldiers turned and saluted, respect and admiration shining unhindered in their eyes.

“General Pierce, we have information on the opposing army.” A man, who appeared to be in his late thirties, spoke to an older woman, the woman who had been walking behind them. They turned to take a closer look at who the man was speaking to, only finding a scarred and strong woman at the other end. Her face was stern with age and war, but her eyes held a kindness only her soldiers and close friends received. She looked familiar,very familiar, but he couldn’t really put his finger on it.

“Commander Mienstrall, I hope your men aren’t ill-fitted for battle.”

“Of course not, General, they are resting as we speak.”

“Good, then you may proceed.”

“The enemy general is planning on charging ahead without properly investigating who he is fighting. He was originally going to send spies, but when he heard you were a female he backed out and said not to worry. His soldiers have heard of you and are wary, but their general refuses to listen to his soldiers’ pleas to take you seriously.”

Commander Mienstrall had a scowl marring his face, clearly displeased with the enemy general’s carelessness, he had expected more of a challenge from someone called the Grim Reaper, he never thought he would succumb to prejudice.

“You should rejoice, commander, for his small mind has allowed us a clean victory, I am confident there will be few deaths, on our side at least. I will face him alone, tell that to our soldiers, explain my cause.”

“Yes, general, show him no mercy.” He smiled knowingly as he saluted

“The Angel of Death never shows mercy.” She grinned back, a feral smile with hints of fondness for her oldest commander.

Now Katsuki realized who she was, that was Pharah, or Pharah Pierce to be exact. Back when she wasn't dead. Man, she’s old, probably the same age as his old hag. The campsite was replaced with battle cries from both sides, but the shouts of pain could only be heard on one side. Katsuki saw a burly man in front of him, he was seething, grinding his teeth in pure fury. He turned to find the older Pharah, smiling at the enemy general innocently, like she hadn't just begun the massacre of his army.

“You! Who is your leader?! I know it wasn’t you who thought of this, you don’t have the brains to think of something so sophisticated!”

General Pierce chuckled, pure amusement rolling off her tongue. Her soldiers formed a circle around them, each donning a smile similar to their general. The enemy general glanced around nervously seemingly searching for whoever outsmarted him, but he was wasting his time.

“Soldiers, tell me, whose command do you follow?”

“General Pierce!”

“And who is this General Pierce?”

“You, Ma’am!”

“Well, general, it seems your question has been answered. From this day onward the Grim Reaper will be defeated by the Angel of Death, consequently, a female! But, dear me, half of my wonderous army is also female, all of them fight alongside each other, they laugh together, cry together, they are brothers and sisters in arms! Something your army lacked.”

By now the enemy general was livid. How dare this girl make a fool out of him?! She will pay with her wretched blood, all of these girls will pay for dirtying the purity of the battlefield!

He charged towards her, eyes wild and teeth bared like an animal, but that’s what he was, just a pathetic animal trying so desperately to be the alpha. General Pierce stayed still, waiting for the man to come closer . . . and closer . . . and closer until she side-stepped his sword, grabbing the hilt and vaulting over him. Before he knew it, his back was facing her and his very own sword was pressed against his throat already drawing blood. He knew this was dirty but he just wanted to rid the world of such an insult towards mankind. His hand slithered down to a hidden dagger sheathed on his thigh, he grabbed it and struck.

General Pierce was taken back by the sudden attack as she couldn’t dodge it completely. It cut her side and that was enough. She quickly cut his throat. One of her soldiers came up and picked up the dagger, pulling it close so she could smell it only to immediately drop it. The soldier looked down at the dagger fearfully before her eyes landed on her dear general, who already seemed paler and unsteady, with dread and grief.

“Ma’am, the dagger was coated with the mucus of a poisonous frog native to this jungle. It’s really powerful and with the amount on this blade . . . I’m afraid . . .”

The soldier trailed off, she couldn’t bear to say it. All of them think of her as a mother figure, someone they could confide in with their fears, someone they knew would protect them no matter what. She didn’t want to believe it, none of them did.

“Cheer up, young ones, my time was coming one way or another, sadly it had to be by the hands of a cowardly general. But don’t fret, I’ll always be there for each and every one of you, even if you can’t see me.”

General Pierce smiled at her loyal companions. They were sad, many were crying, especially the commanders, who have known her the longest. She laid down on the cold ground, relishing in the odd comfort the grass and gentle wind gave her and as she began to grow weak, Katsuki and Naosuke watched on in sadness.

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