Chapter 3-2

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An awkward silence filled the room as Katsuki’s co-workers stared at my hovering form, all with the exception of Midoriya, who simply waved enthusiastically as he made his way over to us.

“Kacchan! Pharah! I’m so glad you made it, I’ve been telling them so much about you, but its better if they get a first hand experience.” He explained, gesturing at the large group of heroes that followed him. A woman with rosy cheeks and shoulder length straight hair approached me soon after he spoke.

“Hello there, my name’s Ochaco Uraraka, hero name, Uravity. Is it true you’re really a Reaper?” She asked, bouncing on her heels with a shimmer of awe glowing in her large cacao eyes. I nodded, calling over Cora from her favorite perch on Katsuki’s shoulder and humming a simple tune to morph Jaku by my side. They gasped and soon, I was bombarded with questions,

“Can you do this with all animals? Even the ones we haven’t discovered yet?”

“Can every Reaper do this?”

“Can you alter the animal’s abilities? Like make them smaller or bigger?”

“Can you summon creatures that have already died out?”

“Deku said you were a children’s Reaper, so that means you kill them.”

Hold the fucking phone. What the hell did he just say?

I turned to the voice sharply, the mood in the room dropping instantly to the dangerous icy levels of my rage. I don’t care what they thought of me, but if they assume I would even think about hurting my children, then they have another thing coming. My eyes landed on an average height man with blond hair that laid slightly over his eyes, a deranged smile plastered across his face. He continued his thought, unbothered by the deadly glare I was shooting him and walking straight towards me.

“What do you do with them after they’re dead? Do you consume their soul? Or do you personally drag them to hell? Hm, why so silent? I wanna know what a monster like you could do to a person from a different age group.”

He stopped inches from my face, not knowing I was thinking of every possible way I could mutilate and torture him. I growled and stared deep into his eyes and into his soul, my eyes turning silver and glowing furiously as the ends of my ribbon extended and snapped in warning around me.

“Listen here, boy, I’m not sure how much Midoriya told you, but let me make one thing clear. I. Do. Not. Kill. Children. Once they are already dead, I calm them down and help them morph unto their final form for the wind to carry them to wherever they need to go. This better be the first and final time I hear any of this sort of crap. We may be Reapers, but every one of us hate death, only reason we actually go through with this is because we hope, with everything in us, that their passing will be easier on their minds and their souls. Because every single Reaper has already gone through it, with the only difference of feeling the pain of being alone, defeated, scared.”

His eyes widened, finally taking note of my tone and aura, he took a step back and I forward. Continuing on with his display of cowardice as I kept speaking until his back was against the wall and I smashed my fist right next to his head to emphasize my final word.

“Do you have any idea how hard it is to tell little children that they’re dead? That they would never get to experience the things they used to? Having to hear their cries and wails for their parents, screaming their regrets, their fears, the things they had wished to tell their loved ones, but were too late? We might be dead, but we still care deeply for the ones we are assigned. I consider every single one of the children in my region to be my own, and right now, I’ll let you off with a warning; accuse me of laying a harmful hand on my children again, and I will TAKE YOUR SOUL RIGHT OFF YOUR BODY!”

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now