chapter 8

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Bakugou's POV

Explosions could be heard throughout the city as I 'flew' frantically to where my gut told me to go. I had no idea where she was, not a clue but our bond, guess it grew when we talked last night. It wasn't that significant but still something, just enough to lead me to her. I stopped in front of a forest, dread and a rarely-seen fear flashed through me at the realization of it being the Suicide Forest. The rumors were mostly there to avoid getting kids lost in it, yet there was something simply wrong with the place.

I shook my head to get rid of such thoughts, that didn't matter right now, she needs me. The pull was stronger, practically dragging me through the dense forest the deeper I ventured. Laughter, wicked laughter reached my ears, it sounded like it came from my front a little ways away. There seemed to be multiple, three or four, people cackling. Reapers, something in my head told me, it also gave me the inkling Pharah was behind those bushes as well.

I tried sneaking closer, to at least get a good look at them, but of course, the damn nerd followed me and couldn't keep his trap shut.

"Kacchan! Why would you run off like that again?"

Immediately, the voices disappeared as I emerged the other side, hoping to salvage as much as I could, but there was nothing, only Pharah's unconscious body.

"Dammit, Deku! Can't you read the situation before screaming?!"

His eyes widened as he let out a mumbled sorry. I clicked my tongue and made my way to Pharah's now waking body. She groaned as she sat up, rubbing her head and looking around. I kneeled beside her and placed my hand on the small of her back to stabilize her. Trying desperately to ignore the comfortable heat radiating from her. That's weird, she's dead.

“Katsuki, what are you doing here? What happened?” A bit of panic resounded in her voice. I didn’t like that.

“I had a feeling you were in trouble, came here to the sound of a couple of voices, one or two were female while the others were male. I tried to get a good look at the bastards but Deku here had to scare them away with his loudmouth. You were out like a light when I got here.”

Midoriya flinched but said nothing as Pharah cursed under her breath, she muttered some things, not unlike my childhood friend, before sighing and standing on unexpectedly firm legs. Her gaze was cold and calculating, her posture rigid and tense, the air around her dropped in temperature if that was even possible, she looked fucking pissed. I couldn’t read her at all, it was like she shut off her emotions, I didn’t even know she could do that.

Pharah’s POV

Reapers, they managed to find me and knock me out. That was dangerous, they could have brought me to whatever place they brought our kind to drain them of our blood. The person following me must’ve hid their presence, but how could they do that? Its impossible to hide from an elder . . . unless. I think I just figured out how we are going to catch this bastard.

“Hey Sparky, what are you doing today for work?” He jumped slightly at my sudden question, but replied with a simple, ‘not much’. Perfect. “Good, cause we’re going to visit someone. Midoriya, you go back to work and finish doing whatever you guys are doing, I’ll be borrowing him for a while.”

He nodded briskly and sulked off while Katsuki had an expression that turned even more confused. I’ll explain to him once we get there, I want to reach him as soon as possible, his region is on the other side of Japan from us. My light wrapped around him and before he could open his mouth, we shot off into the bright sky, littered with large, white, fluffy clouds. Thankfully, him being near caused for my energy storages to rapidly fill up and he gave me the boost I desperately needed to reach Wakkanai.

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now