Chapter 3-1

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“Nice apartment you’ve got here, Katsuki.”

I said, walking around the modest space in awe. There wasn’t much to look at, very clean with minimalist color and decoration, but it was astonishing to me. I have never been in a home that didn’t have a dead child in it as well. The presence of death always darkened any house it comes by, its as if the home was mourning the loss of one of its occupants along with the family. Its a strangely comforting idea, somehow.

He only hummed in response. I glanced at him, his movements were sluggish, his lids hung half way over his eyes, the way he missed his hair by a foot when he tried to brush it off his face, and just noticing that he put his shirt on backwards. This guy really needed sleep. Now.

“Alright, big guy, put your shirt on the right way and head straight to bed. If I see you even one more second awake, I will knock you out immediately, got that?”

He grunted, not trying to talk back.

I let him do whatever he needed as I plopped myself down on his surprisingly comfortable couch. All of the events leading to this finally settling down. I just can’t believe he would invite me into his home, accepting to the contract ritual, yeah, but this?! I was more than prepared to stay outside and away from his view until he needed protection, that’s what most of the other Reapers did, but he wanted me to be seen by everyone and work side by side.

As far as I know, that has barely ever happened! This guy really is something else, but then again, I thought the same with . . . him. I shuddered, the mere thought of him made me want to jump off a cliff as many times as it takes for me to die again. I should think of something else . . . well, Bakugou did very well during the ritual, he acted as if it was an everyday thing.

--an hour ago--

“You just stay there and whatever you do, don’t move or else this will go very badly. And Deku, just stand back and don’t interfere or else it will lash out at both of you, got that?”

They both nodded. I took a deep breath in and on the exhale, my body was engulfed in my light. It flowed leisurely towards the blond who remained like a board at the sight. My light began to circle him, sizing him up and judging thoroughly, making sure every single part of him was analyzed.

It won’t make the same mistake twice. This isn’t really part of the ritual, but my light is still a part of me, it will do anything to protect me.

My light continued its exploration until it rested on his head, content and happy, before coming back down to his chest and flowed through him. He let out a choked sound, no doubt feeling the chilling cold most contracted humans feel when one of the Reaper’s powers intertwine with their soul. Now I’ll be able to know when he’s in danger or is feeling an especially strong emotion.

I met his eyes, there was something behind them that I didn’t know, so I decided to ignore it for now. I nodded at him, extending my hand out, he took it and grasped it tightly. The wind blew around us, fireflies waking from their slumber in the vibrant grass, lighting up their insides to call for a suitable mate, the one they will love for the rest of their short lives. The pure white rays of the round, jolly moon seemed to glow ever so brightly, a curtain of silver shadows surrounding our stone-like bodies, embracing us with its motherly presence.

As fast as it came, it left, leaving us to learn how to once again breath. I guess its been so long, I forgot how the ritual felt like, how could I forget something as beautiful as this? I sighed shakingly when a question popped into my head.

“Oh, and by the way, what’s your real name?”

--back to present--

My heart began to beat at a fast pace, but it felt like it wasn’t mine, like it was detached from my actual being. Something is wrong, something is wrong with Katsuki. My breathing was coming in rapid pants, the need to protect and comfort him was too much for me to bear. I barged into his room, ready to attack whatever was endangering him, only to find the source of my worry turning and twisting this way and that.

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now