Chapter 4

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It took a while, but the five of us finally reached the warehouse after 30 minutes of sneaking. Amy had said there was a villain that always seemed to know she was around, none of his other ‘friends’ believed him since he didn’t have a tracking quirk and they never saw anything.

“His name’s Dabi, his quirk is some sort of weird blue flame. I’m not sure if he’s just impossibly good at feeling other’s presence or if its something different.” She shook her head slowly, “I might be wrong, but it doesn’t matter either way. Walking on any level higher than the first is a gamble, so its better if we go through the basement door, as far as I know, they don’t even know it's there.”

I smiled, “Good thinking, I’ll need you to stay out here and tell us if reinforcements come, but use your better judgement, trust your instincts and do what you need to.”

She nodded as she guided us towards a vine infested wall, she nudged them aside, not wanting for them to tear. They moved with ease and parted ways to reveal a rusted steel door. My brows furrowed and I turned to the men. Before I could say anything, Shouto came up and blasted the door with fire, causing it to melt and then froze it so that we could walk over it.

“Good job, Todoroki-kun!” Midoriya whispered, I’m not sure if I just imagined it, but I swear I saw Shouto’s face light up. 

“Alright, extras, let’s get this over with.” Katsuki grumbled. I giggled softly at his nickname for them, which reminds me, I need to figure one out for him. He stalked through the naked doorway, moving surprisingly quiet for a guy with his temper and build. I followed right behind him, leaking out a small amount of my light to illuminate the heated space, only to reveal a very shocked man.

He had patches of what looked like burnt or decayed skin, one expanding from the top of his ears to his mid chest and two other small ones under his eyes, each painfully attached by metal staples. His raven hair was messy and ruffled, like he had ran his fingers through it an absurd amount of times, his peacock blue eyes looked dead, his soul behind them was on the verge of breaking.

My heart broke for him when I saw the blood, almost camouflaged by his burnt skin, soaking his arms glint against my light. He was most definitely a villain, but it seems like his ideals might be wavering, he could be useful.

I placed my hand on Katsuki’s shoulder, much like how he did yesterday, and stopped him from engaging. I felt his crimson eyes burn holes into my temple, but I didn’t dare meet his gaze, afraid he wouldn’t agree with what he saw. I kept my eyes trained on the other man in the room and squeezed Katsuki’s shoulder, he knew what I meant, but he was still hesitant.

“Tch, fine, but don’t fuck it up.” He said after a moment.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Trust. It was a serious offense if you broke the trust between a Reaper and their contractor. Even though its normally the human that breaks it first, the Reaper could also commit such a crime, and the dishonor would be worse.

He turned and grabbed Midoriya and Shouto by the necks and dragged them to the door behind the man. Strangely enough, he didn’t react, he just watched them vacantly and remained unmoving. His odd behaviour made me realize how horrible his state of mind was.

‘What the hell did they do to him?’

His pitiful dull eyes locked onto mine, for a moment, fear flashed through but it was quickly muffled by the grim determination that darkened them the longer he stared. A look I had seen many times during my job as a Reaper.

He wanted out. He wanted death. But I'll be damned if I fulfil his wishes.

"You going to come at me any time soon? I would like to beat your weak ass this century if you just hurry the fuck up."

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now