chapter 7

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It took me the entire night to plan my thoughts carefully. The word could be spread, but that is a risky variable, the meaning could be distorted by the traitor if they were to hear and pass it on. That would leave me with only one choice to ensure every Reaper in Japan gets the same message, through my light. I’ll have to sit in a dense forest to avoid being faded and even though it would help, I can’t hold Katsuki back from work to increase my strength. I just hope nothing too drastic happens to him while I’m away.

“I’m heading out now, make sure you lock the door before you leave.”

Katsuki said, I only hummed dismissively as he stepped through his doorway, looking back for a second then shutting the door. Guess that’s my cue to start my own mission. Thanks to being within range of him, my storages are completely filled and I should be fine as long as the message isn’t too long. I stepped into the hallway and locked the door before making my way up to the roof.

Summer was the current season, it was evident by the luscious greens and the warm rays heating up the concrete and humans alike, but the wind around me felt out of place, it was cold, sending shivers down my spine. Someone was watching me, that much was clear, but I couldn’t make out specifically what it was, it could be a human, or it could be a Reaper.

The prickling at the back of my neck stopped just as quickly as I felt it. This person was good, they’re quick and quite intelligent. I’ll have to lose them by flight, any energy I consume would be easily restored by nature once I’m in the forest. With my mind set, I jumped off and twisted my body in an arch, basking in the freedom that is the wind.

Just before I reached the ground, I twirled and made my body fly up. I maneuvered around the tall buildings as I used my light to block my stalker’s vision. Even though this is a serious matter, I couldn’t help the exhilarated laugh that bubbled through my lips. Damn, this feels incredible. My mind hesitantly came back to the issue and I increased my speed to a level no other Reaper can acquire. I had more experience than the rest, and I guess you could say its a hobby of mine. I’d still rather sleep, but this was a close second.

I finally made it to a dense forest the kids in my area liked to call, Suicide Forest. I knew why, it was a common death site, one of the Reapers that frequently visit this place to transport informed me its actually called Aokigahara. Not many people dare to tread in the sea of trees, they were foolishly afraid of ‘ghosts’ but those were just the Teen Reapers having fun and being stupid.

The walk through the eerie forest was strangely calming, watching how the morning fog glistened as light filtered through the leafy roof and how the dew on the leaves and moss sparkled and reflected rays of sunlight on to the nearby trees. Sounds of nature reached my ears and a content sigh left my mouth, crickets chirped softly, birds sang sweetly, small critters pranced around scavenging for food. Such peace and tranquility was ironic for a forest with a savage nickname.

I took a deep breath and sat on a large root protruding from the rich, brown soil, feeling my energy already coming back to me. I closed my eyes and began cultivating a large sum of light, it pooled around me and acted as fog, but it wasn’t enough. More and more I made until a square mile of forest was coated in a thick layer of silver light, my body was strained and I felt a headache coming in but I chose to ignore it and keep going. Once satisfied with the amount, I separated a strand for each Reaper in Japan and shot them out to their designated person.

Everyone could now hear my voice as I could theirs, but they couldn’t hear each other unless they were within distance. Many were confused, some were concerned with my heavy breathing, and others were happy to finally hear from me. I caught my breath and commanded their silence to which they obeyed instantly.

“My friends, I am sorry to have disturbed your morning and hope you weren’t busy transporting, but there are news of the utmost importance that include every one of you. I hope you all know the situation with the missing Reapers, some know it a bit too well. I have some good news and bad news, but the good could easily be seen as bad as well.” I sighed deeply as more confusion rang in my ears, “I believe I know where our friends might be, but be aware that most might be faded.”

Fear and anxiety was all I could hear, it was to be expected. I managed to quiet them down and continued with what I had in mind, “This war doesn’t just concern the humans, it concerns us as well. I fought a villain yesterday that was able to hit me even though I had become permeable. The only way it could have done something like this, is if it had Reaper’s blood coursing through its veins. And it did, its blood flow was made up almost entirely of our blood.”

Now there was anger, but it was to hide the deep sadness they bore, they were our brethren, our sisters, our family. “I am here to warn all of you, that if you wish to make a contract with someone, do so with extreme caution, make sure you know what their intention is, and make sure its not a villain. Wherever you go, go in a group of two or more, don’t let any Reaper stay alone for too long. Stay safe, and I hope you have a time better than yesterday, till next time.”

My light disappeared the moment I uttered the last word, it took a lot out of me. I was okay, tired as shit, but fine. Not bad for a first time, everything went smoothly, well as smoothly as one can go with something like this. Yet, I still couldn’t shake an uneasy feeling, was Katsuki in danger? No, my very being would feel it, not just my gut. Then what was it?

Bakugou’s POV

Midoriya, Todoroki, and I were watching over the reconstruction of the ex-enemy slaughter house. When one of the extras asked about the hole, I changed the subject immediately. They were already weary of Pharah, I didn’t want to give the crazy bitch, Monoma, an opening to make them distrust her further.

“Oh! If it isn’t Ground Zero, where’s your Reaper friend?” Speak of the fucking devil, “Did she finally hightail it out of here once she saw the Nomu? Or, dear me, did I scare her away?”

He gave one of his psychotic giggles as he walked away.

“That was weird.” Half n Half stated. “Since when is he not?” Midoriya nervously chuckled. He hasn’t changed since highschool, I guess old habits really do die hard. Damn it, what am I thinking? I’ve changed, right? I’ve already apologized to the nerd countless times for saying all the things I did, so why does it still hurt?

“Kacchan?” Midoriya’s voice brought me from my spiralling mind, I hummed in response. “Are you okay? You’ve been spacing out for a while now.”

“Yeah . . . I’m fine, just thinking. How’s everything coming along?”

He raised a green brow, but thankfully didn’t prod deeper, “It’s going well with the schedule, we should be done with cleaning and clearing out the rubble by the end of today.”

I nodded and let Midoriya talk with Todoroki while I entered my mind once more. My heart suddenly sank to my stomach as dread drowned me like a wave and brought me to my knees. I barely heard Deku's worried calls. What the hell is this? Was this what Pharah felt when I was having that damned nightmare?

"Kacchan! Answer me!" Midoriya shook my body violently while screaming out my name. I finally snapped and stared right in his eyes, that caught him off guard but he kept his hands on my shoulders.

"Pharah's in danger."

The Children's Reaper (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat