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"I'm taking you to prom." Lucas told Abbie, biting his lower lip and giving off a sigh.

"Really?" Abbie was in shock.

"And you ruined our plan to surprise you, Abbie." Catelyn said in a soft voice.

"Are you guys serious?" Abbie asked.

"Yes, of course." Catelyn answered.

"I'm serious." Lucas said.

"Well then, yes! I'll go to prom with you, Lucas!" Abbie exclaimed.

Moments passed and tomorrow did come. Catelyn and Abbie planned to prepare for the night together, in Catelyn's house.

"I can't believe Lucas asked me to be his date!" Abbie said while putting on her diamond earrings, looking at herself in the mirror.

"I told you our plan would work!" Catelyn smiled, fixing her hair.

"Thank you, Catelyn." Abbie smiled, stopping what she was doing to look at Catelyn.

"Anything to make you happy." Catelyn said. "It's a bit early to go there yet, isn't it?" She continued.

"I think so. It's still five thirty pm." Abbie answered, looking at the clock on the other side of the corner of Catelyn's bedroom.

"The program will start at seven. We still got one hour and thirty minute-ish."

"One hour and thirty minute-ish of what?"

"Doing crazy?"

"Crazy? I like crazy!"

"How about we stop by somewhere and do crazy?"

"Sure!" Abbie exclaimed.

"Well, let's go! I'll drive, as usual."

"So where exactly are we going, Cates?"

"Will you believe me if say that I rented a treehouse for us to stay in?"

"A treehouse? Really?" Abbie laughed.


The sun was slowly going down, giving off a beautiful sunset. The birds were chirping and flying in and out of Catelyn and Abbie's visions.
The wind was in a perfect mood of making anybody feel vivid and instant dreams. Trees are everywhere. Catelyn took Abbie to the one specific tree.

"See? A treehouse." She said.

"Are you kidding?" Abbie laughed.

"I'm not.." Catelyn smiled.

"So how are we supposed to get up there with these dresses?" Abbie giggled.

"There's a ladder. We don't have to climb that tree."

"Quite genius but I'm afraid it will ruin our dresses.."

"Oh come on, Abbie... don't you want to see what's inside?"

"You're really crazy. Fine. Take me with you."

Catelyn and Abbie climbed their way up to the treehouse. The four-sided wooden house was full of fairy lights. Along the walls are also pictures of Catelyn and Abbie from all of their adventures. The stargazing, the sunset, the night drive, the ice cream place, the guitar and many more. Abbie slowly walked while entering. Catelyn came beside her right after. Abbie looked around her, finding what's inside.

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