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It was a nice, hot day to begin with; but the bitterness of yesterday is still in Catelyn's mind. She walked in a slow pace, not even giving a single notice to everything that surrounds her. She sighed and decided to put herself together, thinking everything will be alright; although she knew the fact of fate not being on her side. Her love for Abbie remained ineffable.

She sighed. She was having her silent moment in between the chaotic hiraeth.

Lucas looked around, finding Catelyn. As he was staring at her, he felt an ethereal beat of iridescent feeling. He was walking around the corner, trying to figure out how to get Catelyn's attention. He fixed himself and decided to go near Catelyn.

"Hey.." He called.

Catelyn turned around finding Lucas semi-scratching his head. She stopped walking and smiled.

"Hi.." She answered.

Lucas walked towards Catelyn. He smiled and paused for a moment.

"You seem down." Lucas said.

"I'm not. I'm just having a lot of random thoughts." Catelyn said, continuing to walk.

"Well.. I hope you're okay."

"Yes I am."

"How are things going?"

"Pretty good. How about yours?"

"Mine too, Miss C."

"I'm glad."

Upon walking, they happen to stumble to a poster of an announcement.

"Looks like we are having a prom in a few days." Lucas said.

"Sounds nice." Catelyn answered.

"I should find a date already." Lucas smiled.

"Is that necessary?" Catelyn smirked.

"For me, yes. It happens once in a lifetime. Better not waste it."

"Who are you planning to date?"

"I can't tell. How about you?"

"I guess I'll go by myself." Catelyn chuckled.

"What's the theme for this year's prom?"

"I can't see clearly. Well, it says... Gray and Red.."

"Gray and Red? Quite a weird combination." Lucas chuckled.

"Yeah, I think so."

Moments later, Catelyn realised it was a great chance for Abbie and Lucas to reconnect. She rushed to find Abbie.

"There's a Prom thing that will happen in a week." Catelyn excitedly said.

"Really? What's the theme?" Abbie asked.

"You won't believe what the theme is."


"It's Gray and Red."

"Really?" Abbie laughed.


"We should prepare then!"

"And I'm planning to get Lucas as your date..."

"What if he won't?"

"I'll try my best to make him say yes."

"I hope so!"

"Seems like our plan should already work by now."

"Hey what if we wear matchy dresses?"

"That's a good idea, Abbie!"

"I'll wear gray and you'll wear red."


Catelyn started to think of steps for the plan. She thought of meeting Lucas and getting along with him and pursue him
to take Abbie as his date. She then proceeded to make a bouquet of Lucas' favorite flowers, hoping it would work on the first day of making Lucas date Abbie.

The next day, Catelyn approached Lucas with a beaming smile. Lucas smiled back.

"Seems like someone's in a good mood." Lucas chuckled.

"I certainly am." Catelyn smiled. "By the way, Abbie wants to give you these flowers." She continued as she was giving the bouquet of flowers to Lucas.

"For what reason?" Lucas painted a confused emotion on his face.

"I don't know, just accept it." Catelyn said.

Lucas smiled as he received the flowers.

"When are you going to ask someone to be your date?" Catelyn asked as they continued walking.

"I don't know yet. Why are you interested?" Lucas smiled.

"Well, just close friends things."

"Fair enough. I'll tell you when."


"Only if you tell me who's your date."

"Come on, Lucas, I don't have a date yet. And I'm not planning to have a date."

"Lies. You're too pretty to say that."

Catelyn smiled.

"Any plans on taking Abbie to prom?"

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