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She turned her head and to her surprise, it was Lucas.

"I kept every flower and letter you gave, thanks for those. I'm Lucas. Nice to finally meet you."

She got up as quick as she can and fixed herself. Her eyes laid still and her jaw almost dropped. She tried not to act weird as much as possible.

She didn't expect that this time would come. She's completely out of her head. Seeing and meeting Lucas just made her think of all the things that's going to happen. A lot of what ifs had gone through her mind.

"Why did I even say yes to this plan?" She told herself. "I hate myself for being this stupid. Damn it."

Lucas smiled at her, picking the flower and letter she just left.

"Dear Lucas: I can't wait for you to notice me. Here's another flower. You might have a garden by now. -C"

"I see you. I noticed you."

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry I didn't really mean to make you feel weird about those letter and I don't exactly know what I'm saying right now I'm so nervous I'm gonna cry."

What did I just say? She thought when she realised she burst out those words. She sighed in a nervous way and kept looking away and around and she's pretty sure that she's really being weird right now.

"Come on, it's okay. I'm a good person and I really would like to be your friend."

"Oh, thank you, Lucas..." Catelyn's voice was trembling. She fixed her hair and tries not to have an eye contact with him.

"Don't be shy, Miss C."

"It's Catelyn, I'm Catelyn." She said while looking away.

"Hey Catelyn, thanks for the flowers. I liked them." Lucas walked closer to Catelyn, making her stare right directly on his eyes.

"Me too, I liked them.. uh, I mean, I'm late for class, you know I should get going."

"Don't be shy, Catelyn. I'm just Lucas. Nothing big."

"Sorry, I'm a bit weird about meeting people and I get really really nervous."

"That's totally fine, I am too. But you wanna be friends with me, right? Don't be nervous."

"Yes! I'd like to be your friend."

"Sure thing!"

Lucas smiled and Catelyn thought that he literally is that lovable. No wonder Abbie fell in love with him.

"Nice meeting you, Lucas. I should get going, classes and stuff you know."

"I can walk you to your class."

"Oh, that's so kind of you but you don't have to. I'm fine, so fine."

"Let me do it, Catelyn. New friend duties." Lucas winked at her and Catelyn smiled back.

"Okay, if you insist."

"Let's go." Lucas said, wrapping his arm on Catelyn's shoulder and walking her along the way.

"So, Catelyn, why do you want to be my friend?"

"I just find you cool."

"That's it? No inner agenda?"

"No, nothing else."

"If you say so, Miss C."

Lucas laughed as they continued walking.

"Catelyn. It's Catelyn."

"I know. Why do you have to keep yourself anonymous on sending me letters and flowers? When you could just approach me any time."

"I'm shy."

"Don't be. Feel free to do anything when you're with me."

"Cool. Thanks.. and thanks for walking me for class, and we're here."

"Anything for Miss C! See you around."

"Okay, see you!"

She just met Lucas. The love of Abbie's life. She wasn't sure if she's going to handle everything that will come aboard. She let go of those thoughts and continued to walk inside her class. She immediately sat beside Abbie. Unsure if Abbie was able to see Lucas walked her to class.

"I met Lucas." Catelyn said as she put her bag on the floor right next to her seat. "He's pretty cool." She continued.

"Don't catch feelings." Abbie said in a serious voice.

"What do you mean?"

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