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"Here we go again.." Catelyn sighed.

"No that's not what I meant." Abbie defended herself.

"I hope so." Catelyn said.

"You know what let's just not mind that, why won't we do something?"

"Do something?"

"I'm bored and I want to do something fun."

"That's nice but let me take us home."

"Do it fast I'm getting bored."

"I'm on speed limit, Abbie."

"I know I'm just kidding.."

The black sky was a special night since it holds the choir of stars under the glow of the full moon. Catelyn was focused on her driving and Abbie was enjoying the view from outside, seeing the lines of lights and the soft wind brushing on her face. She looked at Catelyn and decided to put a smile on her face. Catelyn noticed, smiling back at her.

"Should I take you home or you'll stay in my house?" Catelyn asked.

"I'd love to spend the rest of the night with you. My sister just got home and I'm pretty sure my Mom won't notice that I'm not around." Abbie answered.

"Home it is." Catelyn said.

The dark surrounded the road that they've been driving through. Not long after, they arrived.

"Hungry?" Catelyn asked while opening the door for Abbie.

"Kind of." Abbie answered.

"Let's see if I still have some goodies here."

"Anything will do."

"The only thing that I can cook here is chicken nuggets. Will that be okay with you?"

"You're 18 and the only thing that you can cook is chicken nuggets?" Abbie laughed.

"I'm serious."

"Cook whatever you want I'm just going to eat so it doesn't matter." Abbie giggled.

"I should have took you to a fancy resto."

"But it wasn't your favorite place."

"Well, the important thing is we enjoyed the ice cream."

"And the shopping."

"And you being annoying while I'm driving."

"So sweet of you to enjoy that one."

"Whatever. Wait and I'll cook for you."

"Okay mommy."

Moments later, Catelyn finished cooking. She place the cooked nuggets in a plate while putting cheese as sauce. She walked and found Abbie on the sofa; sat beside her and placed the plate on the table in front of them.

"Here's your food, ma'am." Catelyn told Abbie.

"Thank you!" Abbie said, leaning on to get a piece of nugget.

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