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Catelyn visited Abbie every night in the hospital making sure she's able to eat and sleep properly.

Every time she got there, she always bring Abbie extra clothes, food, and school stuff.

She even made some of her assignments in the hospital, letting Abbie cope up with the lessons she was having.

"We tackled a lot of stuffs today." Catelyn said, handling Abbie the Math Textbook.

"Oh come on, not Math."

"You have to learn."

"I'm not a math person. Let's just learn the other subjects."

"Well, if that's what you want."

Catelyn looked for another textbook. Abbie looked at her.

"Exactly what I want."

Time went by.

However, she made sure that Abbie's mother isn't able to see her presence.

Three days later, Abbie's mother was able to get out of the hospital. Abbie called a taxi to pick them up and finally, they're home.

Catelyn, on the other hand, was walking her way to school. She carried her books and started to look around. She happened to see Lucas sitting alone looking so frustrated and sad. As a woman with the kindest heart of all, she decided to walk directly to where Lucas was located, hoping she could comfort him.

"Is everything okay?" She said as she was sitting beside him.

"Not really." Lucas sighed.

"What happened?"

"I didn't make it to the team."

"Oh, that's okay. It's not the end of the world yet."

"I know. But it's making me sad. And I hate myself."

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Cheer up."

"My best wasn't enough."

"Lucas, there's still a lot of teams for you to explore and maybe you'll be able to join."

"But this one is my favorite."

"Not everything that we want, we get. Sometimes, even if you did your best, even if you think that you're worthy for that specific thing, if it's not for you, it's not for you."

"I know."

"I meant no offense. I'm just trying to say that I, you, we, everybody has always been there. There's a lot of failure behind every success. Maybe there's a lot more opportunities for you rather than being on that team."

"You're right."

"We have to take a ladder to reach the top. Elevators to success doesn't exist."

"Never thought of that. Thanks for giving me a new perspective in life."

"No worries. New friend duties." Catelyn smiled. "You know what, I got something to cheer you up a little."

"What?" Lucas smiled.

Catelyn grabbed Lucas' hand in order for him to get up. She got her phone and blasted the bubbliest music that she has. She started to dance, trying to convince Lucas to dance with her. Lucas smiled. The music continued to play, making Lucas make a move. They danced Lucas' sadness away.

As they were dancing, Lucas couldn't stop to smile. As time goes by, things went different on Lucas' vision. He could see Catelyn, slowly dancing; her hair was perfectly going through the rhythm of the music; her smile was making him happy to witness it; and every move she made was a great scene for Lucas. Everything went new for him. He knew in that moment, Catelyn made him happy. He started to see how Catelyn moved to every beat. He stopped for a while amd adored the bubbly version of Catelyn.

"Okay that's enough." He said while smiling.

Catelyn stopped as well.

"Feeling better now?" She asked.

"More than happy." Lucas said.

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