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It was a nice hot day. The wind perfectly matched the aesthetics. The rays of the morning sun reflected to the crystal clear pool that shone through Abbie's eyes. Beside the pool was Abbie, casually sitting with her pen and journal. On the other side was Catelyn, overthinking and trying to figure out and sink in to her soul everything that Professor Ann told her. She still couldn't believe the story behind those countless poems. A love story that could have been a happy ending if she didn't happen- that's what she thought. Abbie noticed Catelyn's absence in mind. She continued to write a bunch of lines on her journal, thinking it would be better if she will not mind Catelyn's alone time. But the thought of Catelyn being sad and out bothers Abbie. She had an idea of offering something to Catelyn which she hopes would work.

"Want a drink? Or a snack?" Abbie smiled, looking directly to Catelyn. She caught Catelyn's attention.

"Ice cream." Catelyn smiled back, but the pain and sadness is still visible in her eyes. She tried to make it not too obvious to be seen, but Abbie noticed before she did. "Vanilla."

"I will be right back!" Abbie winked at her, rushing to the kitchen to find ice cream. Vanilla to be exact. She put out two bowls and glazed the ice cream. The even glittered it on with sprinkles. Abbie hoped that this would work- maybe, just in a moment, Catelyn could forget everything that's she is thinking.

Catelyn thought that she was the reason of everything. She started to question her existence. Everything has been mixed up in her mind- the moment when her dad remarried, they transferred to another home and left her life in a cottage, her stepmother who she doesn't like, her mom's past, the poems, Professor Ann, her problems, her self issues; until she couldn't think well anymore. She started to see herself as a main failure. She saw herself as the reason of her Mom's heartbreak. She closed her eyes for one moment, hoping that everything that she's thinking would stop bothering her mind, but it just got worse. She started to panic. She didn't know what to do. She stood up, sighed, breathed in and out and decided to jump off the pool with her eyes closed. But, Catelyn doesn't know how to swim. She thought it would ease everything. She didn't mind. She felt at peace and didn't even realise that she's already drowning. But it wasn't as painful as she thought. She accepted its fate to swallow her whole as the water was pulling her under further and further.

As the water splashed, Abbie thought of it as nothing. She left the kitchen with the bowls both in her hands, and started to look for Catelyn. She couldn't find her, she started to panic. She placed the bowls to the ground and started screaming Catelyn's name.

There she thought it was Catelyn who jumped off the pool. She immediately rushed and jumped to the pool, searching for Catelyn. She knew Catelyn didn't know how to swim, and she wouldn't swim in a random time. Abbie fortunately got Catelyn. She grabbed her with all her force, with only thinking about Catelyn's life.

Abbie was in a complete panic. She couldn't let Catelyn die without her knowing anything. Before any thoughts would come to her, Abbie gave Catelyn a cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but she isn't that well in doing it but she has to. She knows that she's risking and saving Catelyn's life in the same time. Catelyn is still unconscious. Abbie started to cry and scream Catelyn's name. She told herself that she will save Catelyn. She wanted Catelyn to live and it would be not so nice if Catelyn ends up in a painful situation. Abbie didn't give up. She continued what she was doing. She prayed to the heavens; she couldn't let go of Catelyn.

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