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"Angry? I thought you said he likes me?" Abbie said.

Catelyn paused for a moment.

"Well before that he told me that, he was angry.. and he didn't exactly say that he likes you, I think that he still likes you. Don't get me wrong."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"Just don't think about it. Keep in mind that I'm doing my best to make you like be together again even if.."

She almost did it, again.

"Even if what?"

"Even if it's not my thing to deal with people."

"Really? Is that it?"

"Yes. It is."

"Then why did you say yes to this plan?"

"Cause you told me it will make you happy!"

"And you're angry now?"

"Jesus Christ, Abbie! I'm not!"

"Sounds like you are."

Abbie's eyes were slowly glazed with a layer of tear. She blinked and a tear ran off from her eyelids, slowly dripping off down her cheeks. She bit her lower lip, hoping it would not let any sound escape from her mouth.

Catelyn's heart felt anxious. She watched Abbie's tears felt like a memento of sadness that is painted to her forever. It was like a bunch of butterflies flipping the very guilt all over her. She blamed everything to herself being naive.

She went beside Abbie.

"I'm trying my best to make you happy, Abbie."

"You don't have to if you don't feel like doing it."

"Do you think I would risk my time being with someone I do not know just to make you happy?"

Abbie was silent. She looked downwards as she continued to cry.

Catelyn lifted her head up, bringing it right directly in front of her face.

"Listen, all I want is to make you happy. And if that means that I have to deal with people that I don't want to deal with, I will."

She hasn't received anything from Abbie.

"I'm doing my part to what exactly is planned Abbie. Trust me. You and Lucas will be together, again. I promise."

Time went by and Catelyn got home. She put out her journal, to where her old letter for Abbie is written. She continued writing.

Isn't it funny? If I had made a different decision, I wouldn't be here at this very moment, breaking my own heart. I'd rather be in a different universe, than being here seeing you loving someone else. But what can I do? It already entered my soul. It felt like a sugarcoated pain, slowly making me numb. But not numb enough to love you. I already have my choice - and that is to keep this love. Never will fade. Never will be gone.

She gently closed her journal, listening to smooth jazz music. She closed her eyes, hoping it would bring her peace. But it didn't. It caused another wave of chaotic shouts of thoughts.

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