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Catelyn rushed herself out of her house. Still a sleepyhead, she got herself her jacket and rode a taxi.

"To the hospital, please." She told the taxi driver. "Make it fast. I have a friend to help."

As she was riding the taxi, she began to worry. She couldn't stop herself from looking outside, wishing it was the hospital, wanting to let herself out and run.

As she got to the place where she was going, she immediately run, trying to find Abbie in different corners.

The room was busy. Doctors and nurses in their suits were rushing to their patients, the count of the persons that's been rushing grew, blocking Catelyn's view; but it didn't stop her to look for Abbie.

She came across an empty hall, with only seats for waiting people. She saw Abbie, crying endlessly.

"Abbie!" She shouted while running towards Abbie's seat. "I'm here!" She continued.

As she was getting closer to Abbie's side, Abbie noticed Catelyn's presence. Before she could reach to her, Abbie immediately got up from her seat and ran to Catelyn and fell into her arms.

Abbie couldn't stop crying. Catelyn hugged her as tight as she could and held her hand to go back to her seat. She sat beside Abbie, wiping off the tears from her cheeks.

"Hey, what happened?" She tried to ask, hoping she would get a response from Abbie.

"My mom. I had to rush her in this hour, her sickness has gotten worse. My sister's out of town and I don't know any person to reach out to." Abbie answered.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here. Your Mom will be alright. Everything is going to be fine. Trust me." Catelyn said, giving Abbie another hug.

"I'm sorry to bother you at two in the morning."

"Abbie, it's fine. I'm here for you, any time. I'm never going to leave your side."

"Thank you, Catelyn."

Both of them got up from their seats. Abbie went to see her Mom, guiding Catelyn to where her mom's room was located.

"You look so restless. Go to sleep. I'll watch over your Mother."

"No I'm gonna stay up. I should watch over her."

"It's almost three in the morning, Abbie. Go to sleep and I'll take care of everything."

"Thank you for being here, Catelyn. I couldn't ask for more than your presence."

"Glad I could help."

Abbie went to sleep and as she said, Catelyn watched over for the both of them. Catelyn wandered around the room, realizing it was Abbie's birthday.

She tried to make the best out of it. As the two were sound asleep, she went outside. She got herself a glass of water.

As she was walking outside, going out the hospital; she walked her way to find a stall. A random stall. It was a stall that was full of the flowers' fragrance. She picked a bouquet that's made of Carnations and Sunflowers. She asked the seller if she could get a card as well.

She went to another stall and bought a small cake that's made out of pink frosting and sprinkles. She also bought three cups of dark coffee.

She happily went back to the hospital, bringing those goods she bought from outside.

As she was going inside the room, she called herself lucky since they're still sleeping and she could have the opportunity to do her work.

She placed the bouquet on the table beside the cake and the cups of coffee. She arranged the room as well.

As she was doing her 'mini surprise', Abbie was awoken.

"Good morning!" Catelyn greeted her.

"Good morning. What are those for?"

"Who said that I'll miss your most special day?"

"You knew?"

"Happy Birthday!" Catelyn said, handing her the bouquet of Carnations and Sunflowers.

"How thoughtful of you, Catey. I didn't know you're aware that it's my birthday today. Kind of psychic."

"Trying to be the bestest friend." Catelyn winked.

"You already are the best." Abbie smiled.

"Damn I forgot to buy candles."

"That's totally fine. And that's a lovely cake!"

"For a pink person, I have to agree."

"That's my line!"

"Blow your imaginary candle and make a wish.."


"What did you wish for?"

"I can't tell. Or else it will not come true."

"Fair enough."

"When is your birthday, Catey?"

"Well, actually, we share the same birthday."

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