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"No he didn't. I'm wondering why he asked that."

"Don't mind it. He must've been out of his head."

"You think so?"

Abbie tried to make herself unaware of what Catelyn was asking. She also diverted Catelyn's attention.

"Cates, remember that time when we went stargazing?"

"Of course. How could I forget?"

"The one we had with Lucas."

"Oh, that one when he randomly appeared. Yes I do remember."

"I wanna do it again."


"With only you."

"Come on, I'm always with you."

"I know. I wanna see the stars with you."

"In the carnival?"

"Anywhere where the stars are. It's fine with me."

"Well, there are stars outside."

"Come on, Cates. Let's go."


Abbie went outside with Catelyn, bringing a cup of fresh juice. Looking above the skies, it was covered with a black velvet blanket. They tilted their heads upward, opening their eyes to the promised starlight of the evening sky. There, a thousand blinking fairy lights shone to their eyes. Layers of serene clouds were up there, too. The view was surreal. As the stars were shining and giving off its beauty, Abbie and Catelyn were clinged to the scenery, making them want to reach the stars. The silver sequin stars were scattered perfectly.

"Remember when I told you everything will be all dust and gray?"


"This is what I meant. The dust represents the stars..."

"And the gray?"

"It's for you to find out."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Ask that to yourself."

"I do not even know why you kept me calling red either."

"You'll find out, one day."

"I hope so. 18 is making you crazy, I suppose."

They looked into each other's eyes and smiled. Catelyn looked down while Abbie's eyes were pinned above the promising curtain of the sky.

"Thank you for today, Catelyn."

"My pleasure."

"Happy 18th to us."

"Happy 18th it is."

"Abbie, Lucas told me to tell you a 'Happy Birthday' by the way."

"Tell him thanks. And I'm happy."

"I'm glad you are."

Abbie smiled.

"Dad will take you to the hospital, by the way. I can't be there. Your mom might attack me for no reason."

"Oh, she's always been like that. But, even if she's acting like she doesn't want me to exist, I still love her as my Mom."

"And I'm sure she loves you too."

"Oh well, I hope so."

"See you tomorrow then?"

"Thanks again, Catelyn."

Minutes later, Catelyn's father dropped Abbie into the hospital. She waved good bye and went to her mother's room right away.

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