Part 27

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"Liam. Over here." Zayn pointed to a toy chest for Liam to put the last toy in.

He came over and put the toy inside. "There. All done." And he rubbed his hands together as if it were hard work.

"Good job. Now that the playroom is done, let's go see what Pa is doing."

Liam ran ahead of him, down the hallway into his new room. "Pa. What you doing?" Liam asked when he saw him moving a mattress.

"Getting your bed together. I'm putting your mattresses on and then I'll be putting on your covers and pillows.

"Oh." He tapped his chin like he was thinking.

"Hey, babe." Zayn said lazily.


"Do you need any help?"

"No. The mattress was the hardest part." Harry lined the mattress up with the box spring and sighed. "It's all finished now."

"My Winnie Pooh cover Pa."

"He's gonna put them on in a minute, Liam. Patience."

"I got patience."

Suddenly the doorbell rang twice. "The pizza is here. I'll be back." Zayn told Harry and he left the door.

"Pizza! Pizza!" Liam went dancing behind Zayn out of the room and then down the stairs. The whole time Zayn smiling to himself, because today Liam seemed hyper and happy. Two things he was hoping Liam felt, knowing this was the new place he'd be spending a lot of his time now.




"I can't believe we've got all that stuff moved out, Haz. It was like moving a whole house. I can't believe so much fit in one apartment."

"Yeah. Me either."

They had finished eating the pizza now. Harry was sitting on the couch with Zayn on the floor in between his legs and Liam was stretched out on the floor, using crayons to scribble over paper.

"I can't believe it took a week either. I usually like to hire movers to do all of it in a couple of days. But it was nice to be able to do it with your help. You know, cause you insisted so much."

Harry chuckled. "Yep. I had to or else you wouldn't let me. Sometimes you have to show your strength and remind your boyfriend of what's what."

"Yeah. Sure."

"I'm drawing on the paper. On the paper with my crayons. These my colors."

Zayn was surprised to see Liam singing those words.



He leaned back to look at Harry even though his view was upside down. "We never got that camera. And I think it's time we get it."

"What camera?"

"The one for Liam you were talking about getting. It's for moments like this when we need it. He's singing to himself and that's adorable."

"Then when shall we go get one?"

"Whenever. I was thinking tomorrow."


"Yeah. After work."


"And that's fine with you?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

Zayn reached up to put his hands on the sides of Harry's face and he pulled him down over him. Harry happily gave him a kiss because he knew that was what Zayn was wanting.

If You Stay » Zarry Kid Fic ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora