Part 33

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"So... Plans?" Louis questioned as Zayn sat down for lunch at the break room table.

"For tonight?"

"Yeah. What are you going to be doing?"

He opened the package to his cold turkey sandwich. "Well, I have to work till at least six. Which means we can't really celebrate properly until I get home. But Harry offered to cook dinner and have it ready when I got home so at least that will get done."

"What's he making?"

Zayn rolled his eyes. "His famous Italian Spaghetti and Meatballs as he calls it. That's what we had for dinner the first night we actually got together."

"Oh, interesting. A meal with sentimental value attached to it. I like it."

"Yeah, he thinks he's romantic even though I'm not all that into that."

Louis peeled back the paper on his pudding cup. "Trust me, the longer you're with someone who tries to be romantic with you even when you don't like it, the more you will grow to like it. I mean, you have a man at home who's saying you don't have to do anything but come home, eat and spend a nice evening with him. Who wouldn't want that?"

"True, although I do have to go by the store and pick up ice cream and gummy bears on the way home."

"For Liam?"

"No. For us. You know Harry's such a child. That was what he made us for dessert after his speghetti dinner."

Louis patted his thigh. "That's right. You did tell me that. So you two are basically recreating the whole night, then."


"Even down to the naughty nighttime session?"

Zayn was going to answer until he remembered what he and Harry had talked about. "That's none of your business if we do or don't. And secondly, we haven't decided. We could very well just end up having a nice quiet evening in bed with a glass of wine. We'll know when the time arrives."

"Well, that is still really nice."

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to it. We've had some ups and downs over the past couple of weeks. I've been waiting on something good like this. I feel like we deserve it. But enough about us. What about you and Ivy?" He asked and he bit a piece of his sandwich.

Louis was happy to talk about her. "We are going for a run together this weekend."

"A run?" Zayn asked. "You don't go for runs."

"I know."

"So why are you doing it? You're not going to make the mistake of not being truthful about what kind of person you are, are you?"

"After what happened with me and Allison and you and Harry? I think not. I already told her I didn't really do things like that but since it's a date, I'll willingly join her in her activity."

"Aha, good."

Louis grinned and finally ate a spoonful of his pudding. "I really like Ivy. She's so sweet and outgoing and she just has a way of keeping me entertained."

Zayn smiled at his smile. He loved seeing Louis happy. "That's great. I'm really happy for you. Maybe one day both of us will reach a point where we'll be settled down for good. Something permanent, you know."

"That would be nice." He admitted.

Zayn nodded, as he thought back to the night Harry hinted at a permanent relationship for them. "It would."

Just as he bit into his sandwich, his cellphone rang. The name on the ID read Mr. Trummond. Mr. Trummond was the CEO of the company Zayn and Louis worked for.

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