Part 8

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"So... this is your home huh?" Harry asked on Saturday after Zayn let he and his son into his new apartment. "It's warm, comfortable and a bit cozy too."

"Hmm....Yeah. I guess... Thank you."

Harry put Liam down on the ground and attentively watched Zayn as he led the way toward the kitchen.

"Pa dat." Liam said pointing to a small colorful abstract painting hanging on the wall.

"I see, I see. It's beautiful isn't it?"

Liam nodded.

"Would you like something to drink?" Zayn asked and he ran his fingers through his dark hair, making Harry smile down at him.

"Sure. Some water would be fine."

Zayn opened the refrigerator, took out a water bottle then held it out to him. "Here."

"Thanks." Harry took the bottle from him, opened it and took a quick sip.

Zayn reached in the refrigerator again, retreiving a juice box and he detached the straw from it.

"Mine!" Liam cheered and he ran over to him because he knew that every time Harry got one out of their refrigerator at home, it was for him.

Zayn bent down in front of him. "Yeah, this is for you. This one tastes like kiwi and kiwi is a fruit. Can you say kiwi?"


"Yeah, you're so smart." He poked the straw into its hole and handed it to the boy who grinned and took a sip.

"You know you didn't call today." Harry said interrupting their moment.

Zayn looked up. "What?"

"You... didn't call me."

"Oh. Was I supposed to?"

Harry's facial expression became perplexed and he stared down at the water bottle in his hand. "Well, you usually ask me if I took my medication. Just... You know. You didn't this time."

"Yeah, I was busy today." He wouldn't say he was busy putting the last minute touches to his apartment just before Harry came over.

"Busy... Yeah."

Zayn stood up. "But did you take it?"

Harry smiled at the question. "Yeah. I took it... When I remembered I was coming over here today. I... I honestly think I would forget to take my medication every time, if I didn't have you to make sure I took it."

Zayn furrowed his brow as he left the kitchen and went into the living room. Harry followed. "That's sad, Harry."

Harry delayed his response on purpose by taking off his coat and throwing it over the back of one of the couches. "I know. But I've told you a million times the reason I forget is because I don't want to take it. Ugh, I can't wait until I'm done with this stupid twelve week shit..."

Zayn sat on the other couch and Harry sat across from him on the couch his things were on. "It isn't stupid, Harry. This is going to help you in the long run."

"Yeah, yeah, I know that. I'm only saying it out of frustration... Because truthfully, I'm glad you've been helping me with all of this. It means a lot." He sat up, resting his elbows on his knees. "And it seems like you're actually doing more for me than I thought you were doing too..."

Zayn looked up for Harry's facial expression this time. He was serious. "What?"

"I'm not being creepy or anything. I'm trying to figure this out as well." He began to laugh, more so from being nervous and embarrassed. "And you're gonna laugh when you hear this too Zayn. But Dr. Horan has this crazy idea that you... He thinks you make me... He thinks you make Liam happy. And I'm just like, of course he does. He's a really great person with a great heart. Sure he's gonna make Liam  happy..."

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