Part 30

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Zayn hadn't woke up and felt this happy in a long time. Particularly on Christmas Day. Not that he had ever been looking forward to this day as much as other people around the world may have but he couldn't contain the little bit of excitement he had. He had gotten up out of bed, woke up Harry and dragged him into the shower with him. It was 10:30, so he didn't have to get Harry to wake up too much, and the hot water did the rest of the job.

After a good cleansing and after they stepped out of the shower, Zayn was still beaming with excitement. He dried his hair and brushed his teeth quickly, then grabbed a towel to help Harry dry his own hair. "Come on. We have to wake Liam."

"Zayn. Relax, babe. We haven't even put clothes on yet. We're still naked."

"Duh. I'm just saying."

He snatched the towel from Zayn and began drying his own hair. "Will you calm a bit? You're like a kid today. It's cute. But I don't think I can take it. You haven't even properly greeted me this morning."

Zayn pouted, then wrapped his arms around him from the front. "Good morning."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Kiss me."


"Come on. I want to start off this day with a kiss. I wanna feel your lips." He popped the P and hissed the S, making himself laugh at his own silly behavior.

Harry rolled his eyes, but leaned down and kissed his cheek. "There. You've felt them."

"On my lips though."

"Not yet."

"What do you mean not yet?"

Harry smiled down at him sneakily. "Not yet."

Zayn narrowed his eyes and gave him a look of suspicion. "Alright. Whatever you've got up your sleeve, I'll wait for it. But only because I'm so happy and we need to hurry up and get dressed before it's no longer Christmas. Okay?"

Harry smiled down at Zayn, ignoring his exaggeration. "Okay, babe."




Harry and Zayn had mugs of hot chocolate in their hands and Liam had his cup of orange juice next him. They'd regressed and given him a sippy cup today, just in case he accidentally knocked it over while opening his gifts. The three were sitting in the middle of the floor around the tree just after they had breakfast. Zayn suggested they eat first because knowing Liam, once he opened his new toys and started playing with them, he'd hardly be ready to eat anything whether he was hungry or not.

"Are you ready to open your gifts, Liam? "

"Yes, Pa! I'm ready!"

"Let's get your hands washed then."

Harry stood up and took Liam down the hall to the bathroom and Zayn got up to put all the plates in the kitchen. Zayn was so proud of Liam this morning because he used his fork to eat his eggs without using his hands to push food onto the fork. Well, this was actually the first time Liam had not even attempted to eat with his hands, so Zayn figured this meant today would probably turn out to be as perfect as planned. Maybe this would be the best Christmas he had ever had.

They all got back to the living room at the same time and Liam wasted no time running over to the presents. Liam knew all of his presents were wrapped in wrapping paper with characters from his favorite TV shows. And Harry knew his gifts were wrapped in red and green paper with Santa hats printed on it.

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