Part 9

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"Yeah, it's me."

"What's up?"

"Nothing. I'm a bit bored here so... I wanted to come early today. I was going to leave home in a minute."

Harry looked at the clock. It was reading twelve o'clock. Even though Zayn probably still wouldn't arrive until about twelve thirty, it would still be about four hours earlier than he normally came. "Okay."

"I mean... If that's okay with you though. I know it's early but I-"

"No don't worry about how early it is. I don't mind. Have you um... Have you had lunch yet?"

"No. But I'll probably grab something on the way."

"That won't be necessary. I'll make us lunch. I just put Liam down to take an early nap today. He wasn't feeling too good this morning and he won't eat. But maybe when he gets up, he'll feel better and will be happy to see you."

"He doesn't feel good?"

"Not at all. He didn't sleep as well as I wanted him to last night either."


"But I think he'll be okay. I sure hope so anyway."

Zayn hummed to show he was unsure. "Yeah maybe. I have to go now. I'm getting ready to leave so... I'll just see you when I get there, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. See you..." He was going to tell him to be safe as well. But he decided not to and just hung up the phone.




Harry and Zayn had just finished eating chicken salads when they heard Liam crying from the other room.

"I'm coming, Li Bug!" he called out. "Ah fuck, I hope he didn't fall trying to get out of my bed." Harry got up in a hurriedly motion. His hasty actions made Zayn react and he followed Harry down the hall to his bedroom.

They both prepared themselves for what they thought they might find. But it was quite the opposite of what they expected.

"Liam! What the hell did you do?!"

"Harry!" Zayn said. "Why are you cursing at him?"

"Because... this!" He held his arms out in front of him.

"Still doesn't justify it."

"Zayn, do you not see this shit? There's puke everywhere."

"I don't care. It's bad enough you curse around him but don't curse at him too."

Liam cried louder, taking their attention off of each other and Zayn ended up picking him up from the bed and holding him out.

"Ew Liam. Stinky boy." He carried him out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom. He stood him up on the ground and felt his forehead. "Hmm. You don't have a fever. So what's going on in that little tummy of yours?"

He immediately turned on the bath water, making sure it was at a comfortable temperature for him. Not too hot, not too cold.

"It's okay sweetie." And he rubbed the side of his cheek. It wasn't until Zayn stripped him of his clothes and sat him over in the water that Liam stop crying.


"Ughh. What do you want Harry?" he mumbled between gritted teeth. Then he turned back to liam. "Sit here for me. I'll be right back."

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