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'If I hadn't grabbed Yuzu would he be still alive? If I had just let her stay as a slave would he still be alive? If I hadn't go to practice would he still be breathing right now? Don't get me wrong the man is barely here most of the time but he leaves gifts for me. So far I have 4 giant teddy bears, 2 wooden snakes, 2 tails, one of them is not safe for work, and 1'000 books... I hate myself because I let my dad get killed.'

Everyone looked at Mei with worried eyes, backing away from her, scared, that she might lose it and go on a killing spree. Some tried to tell themselves that she wouldn't do that because their kingdom is the most nicest despite all the power in the world they never let it go through their heads. The way how Mei was shaking started to scare the workers more, they've noticed that Mei was crying crystal clear tears, those clear tears soon turned red. Mei's face begin to change into something... A void. A pure black face with red streaks going down where eyes are supposed to be.

"She's losing it" Yuzu's wolf said.

Eyes appeared on the face, white eyes, no pupils. Slowly Mei moved towards Slade, her eyes targeted only at him. Slade was struggling to stand but the broken front door kept moving after his 4th try he stands and weakly looks at his niece. Her new appearance terrifies him and adrenaline kicks in. "Do you know who I am?! Not only am I your uncle but I am SLADE!! RULER OF THE KINGDOM ZEUS!" He stands fully with his chest puffed out as a fighting stance. Mei stops and looks at him. "You killed my father.. And I will have your head" Mei's voice echoed and sounded more mature. She lifts her hand and a small bubble formed. Slade pointed at it "that shit is so small you can't do anythi-" the ball turned into a big and powerful beam, sending Slade flying all the way back to the castles front gate and down 12 ft under. Yuzu looked at her mate with awe but it quickly turned into rage when she realized that this is Slade.

The one who killed her father, who took her happiness, the one who started the chaos. She growled and it shook the castle, she ran with super towards the hole Slade was in and jumped down. Slade was stuck a bit struggling to get his foot out of the dirt. "Let me help you with that" Yuzu said multi voiced. All Slade saw was a black haired, black with red pupils, black chest fur with white going down the middle, black sweatpants and bare footed Yuzu. She grabbed his throat "Like my new power? I got it from your victims" Slade is scared at this point. All of his victims were powerful but with a little backstabbing he managed to defeat them, their souls are transferred to the birth of a new. Sachicos cub was the new and Slade knew that. That's why he killed the cub, the cub that thought Slade wanted to play with them, the sweet innocent cub that didn't see it coming. When the cub died all those souls including the cubs is transferred to the parent since Sachicos mate died while giving birth. Sachico was the one that absorbed all of it, that's why he was so powerful.

She let go and with the same hand quickly uppercutted him back to the surface. Mei saw his body fly up and she teleported up there and slammed his body down with her fist on his back. The citizens went towards the castle after hearing Slades impact. Curious eyes turned into scared ones when they saw Mei and Yuzu. The captains and generals were used to it until they saw Mr. Aihara and Yuzu's mom standing behind them, now everyone is scared. The generals told everyone to run, the captains escorting everyone away from the danger. "Mr. Aihara... What have you turned into?" One of the maids said while looking and helping the captains escort the citizens to safety. Mr. Aihara has grey colored skin, cracks can be seen on his chin moving towards the middle of his face, one eye was red and the other black, his pupils couldn't be seen, he started to smile mischievously as his large bat like wings came out. His chest was slightly covered by a cape of fur, you could see his abs of glory, scars here and there, black veins showing all around, his darkened aura visibly showing. "Slade you have messed with the wrong family" his voice was very deep almost as if you were staring into an abyss. "And you... Have m-m-messed with the wrong.... One" Slade said weakly trying to get up again. Mr. Aihara does look intimidating but he is in his healer form. He gave Mei and Yuzu extra strength, the power that they have was compared to Gods loyal hound and the Devils guardian combined. They're power was so overwhelming that they too began to crack. "Die!" Mr. Aihara said lunging towards Slade. Slade had transformed while his bother was in the air. (Because the author doesn't like him either he doesn't get a lot of special effects nor cool colors) His body and eyes glowed a bright white. Yuzu's mom holds Mei and Yuzu and they look at her, angry that she's holding them back when they could be ripping Slades body apart. "Here's the plan, Yuzu help him pin Slade to the ground and Mei bite him. Suck out all of his power and he will become an ordinary human." She said.

"Why can't my father do it? He's been tortured enough, he deserves the kill" Mei said coldly. "Because the gods refuse it, when your father was young he would beat up Slade whenever he did his irrational crimes and your grandfather didn't like it. So he bind your father to the Gods and that's why Slade was able to do the things he did and get away with it. It was a terrible mistake your grandfather did knowing how old he is. "He's just a kid" he would always say." She gripped their shoulders tightly and looked down.

"How do you know about all this?" Yuzu asked. "She looked at Mr. Aihara. "... Not only did I witnessed some of it but your father was merely tired, he didn't die he was channeling his inner power" she looked at Mei and Mei looked between Yuzu and her mom. "Let's do it" Yuzu nodded her head in agreement.


~Oh hai, here's a chapter for you~

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