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   Everything was dark and the only light that was provided was stars. Yuzu was floating in the middle of it. She opened her mouth to breathe but nothing went in or out yet she wasn't dying, unless she's already dead? No way, I mean that's some killer sex but not that much! She looked around for anything to tell her something. She was about to give up until she saw a piece of space open up. White flashed. "Yep I'm dead" Yuzu said with a straight face. She went through without a question. Instead of a house filled with ghosts she found a garden with animals of many kinds. She looked around everything was peaceful and calming. The wolves were side by side with the deers. The bears didn't leave to go kill fish instead ate berries near the pond. As Yuzu kept walking getting more fascinated by what she's looking at a black cat pops out and sits in front of her. Yuzu was too busy looking up to notice the cat and accidentally stepped on its tail. It roared which scared Yuzu a little bit. She looked down wondering "how or why such a small thing can rawr this loud?" She asked herself while rubbing her ears. "Little?!?! I'll have you know that I am one of the most notorious, infamous, excellent spirit KNOWN to mankind!! I'll give you bad luck like never before!!!" He stood on his hind legs and dust off his tail gently. Yuzu looked at him in confusion then started giggling. "Heh... I'm.... Dead..... Yep..." she puts her hand on her head. "There's a talking cat.... And it sounds like a Chucky doll.... I'm most definitely dead."

"Well have you considered that you might just be in the spirit world of animals." A big fox came out and smoothly sat next to the cat and looked at Yuzu. It's a beautiful fox but has golden eyes. "Hale stop stopping in front of people thinking that they're going to notice you" Even her voice was smooth. "So what Suuuuuuusaaannnn. She should've watched where she was going!" The cat known as Hale put his hands on his hips and looked at the fox. The fox mimicked the cat. "Both of you are equally good at stealth but as soon as those mouths open you guys are the loudest." Stood 7'2 tall comes a grizzly bear. "Heh heh... Hello there, my name is Bahzoo (B-ah-zoo, for anyone who try's to use voice to pronounce his name)" The bear looked old and friendly, Yuzu wanted to call him grandpa instantly. "Hi... My name is Yuzu." She showed them her smile. "Um... You got pieces of human remains stuck in your teeth..." Hale pointed. "What? But I didn't eat any humans"
"Yeah because the wolf that you fused with was eating them so your bodies merged whatever she had you have" A bird flew down then turned into a boy with pale white skin and red eyes, his robes suited him nicely. "Hi sweetness, my name is Crow" he grabbed Yuzu's hand and kissed it. Yuzu smiled awkwardly at him while he stared into her eyes. "Alright alright break it up" Hale got in between Yuzu and Crow. "Can it old man you're so small that my shoe size is bigger than you. Crow started to laugh hysterically while Hale looked at him angrily. Hale slowly started to transform. The once cute cat everyone saw changed into a beast almost as tall as the bear one of his eyes looks to be grey while the other was a normal yellow. "I can see your bad luck from here you filthy swine... And it's not going to be pretty." Crow stopped his laughter and turned into a bird to flee but a huge wind hit burning his wings in the process. He turned back and fell on his back. The agonising scream he made almost made Yuzu feel sorry for him. "My wings! MY ARMS!! YOU IMBECILE!!! YOU BLOODLY WANKER!!!! I WILL USE YOUR FUR AS BANDAGES FOR MY ARMS!!" He looked at Hale with disgust and anger. Hale gave the same look back. You could tell Hale wanted to rip Crows throat out. Bahzoo held Hale close to him. "Calm down, you're scaring our guest." He whispered to Hale. Hale looked at Yuzu and indeed she looked terrified. "Please don't be frightened child. Hale just a short fuse for being called short" Susan said to her. "I'm not scared, just fascinated. Like how did he do that?! How come it didn't burn us too? Can he teach me that eye trick thingamabob?!?!" Susan looked at Hale reading his souls speaker. 'Child'




'Protect child'

"Hmm interesting" she said to herself looking between Yuzu and Hale.

This can't be?!?! (Yuzu x Mei)Where stories live. Discover now