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     "We should probably head to the cabin" Bahzoo suggested. "Yeah..." Hale started walking with his head hanged low. All looked at Hale, 3 with concern and 1 with disgust. Crow really wanted his revenge, he looked at his arms. Of course they were healing but ever so slowly. Hale put this curse on him and it lasts 2 days, slow healing and bad luck. It's not crossing the black cat that gives you bad luck, it's making it angry. "Why that little..." Crow could put death on Hales head but Hale is like the reverse card in a game called UNO. That's why no one messes with him.
     All this time Yuzu was watching him. She sensed his rage behind her, always kept her guard up just in case. "So.... What is this place again and why am I here?" She looked at Bahzoo. "Why you're in the spirit world for animals. Because you merged with Sachico you gained all of his abilities but you can't use his wolf yet because it's a pup. You can only make it grow with training." Yuzu looked at him wide eyed. "That thing is a guy! It's got 4 heads how can you tell he is a he?!" (Don't kill me please, you know who you guys are.) Bahzoo looked at her then looked away. "His genitals" Susan stepped in. "Bahzoo has been taking care of Sachco ever since he was a cub. He taught him everything from being human to a wolf. To learn to appreciate the wolf, love the wolf. Of course Sachico would get frustrated about a couple things but he would try to understand." Yuzu looked down then at Hale only to be met with his eyes. Their staring contest comes to an end when they reach the cabin. "Cabin more like MANSION!!" A big house made up oak wood stood before her. She ran towards it "Wait you're not-" Hale tackled Yuzu before the house could grab her with its carpet like tongue. The houses figure changed and you can see an angry expression that it gave off. "Hey... Hey... Shes friendly!"Bahzoo held up his paws trying to calm the house down. After 2 mins it calmed down and went back to normal but you can still hear the growling coming from it.
"Easy.... She friendly... She won't hurt you"Bahzoo was rubbing the smooth wood. "YES SHE WOULD!!" Crow shouted. The house roared but stayed put. "I thought you said this is a spirit world for animals!" Yuzu looked at the house scared shitless. "Animals and a few creatures.." Hale chuckled. He picked her up and walked towards the house. Yuzu shook and wiggled trying to get out of Hales grasp. Then he drop her on her feet and grabbed her hand making her touch the wood. Slowly the house began to like her, the growls turning into purrs. "I think it likes me now" Yuzu was no longer scared of the house.
The house opened the door instead of a carpet like tongue coming out a tree figure comes out. It waves at Yuzu and she waved back then slowly went up the stairs. The tree watching her. When she gets closer she realises that the tree only has eyes but no mouth. "Creepy....." she whispered. The tree steps to the side letting her in. Bright lights and beautiful pictures. "Wow..."

"I know right... Come on let's eat!" Bahzoo shouted. "If only my baby can see this" Yuzu said to herself.



Mei groaned while waking up. Looking to her side she sees Yuzu with her back towards her. "Hey baby" Mei kisses her shoulder, no answer. "last night was fun" she caressed her arm but still no answer, not even a single movement. "Baby..?" Mei turned Yuzu over only to be met with glowing eyes. Mei screamed but quickly covered her mouth. She didn't want to say anything because what if he father barged in here while they're naked, that would've been embarrassing. She took a good look at Yuzu. "Wait... I've seen this before. She did this when she merge with that spirit wolf... Could she be in some kind of spirit world?"
Mei poked Yuzu when nothing happened she did it several times, even in spots that would tickle. "Yeah she is. She hates being poked" Mei got up and got dressed into some comfort clothes and stayed by Yuzu's side.

"Be careful in there..." Mei said before drifting off to sleep again.

~Short chapter but it's out. Hopefully I'll have time to do the next one longer. I hope you enjoyed this chapter~

This can't be?!?! (Yuzu x Mei)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora