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Yuzu slowly opened her eyes and sat up, stretching her arms. She got out of
the bed and felt cold. She looked down and noticed the marble flooring below her. 'I don't have this type of flooring in my house. The village floors was made out of hard wood.. All of it.' She thought. Then she looked around and noticed that this is not even her room. The walls were silky black including the ceiling. The window frames and door were painted white while the curtains were a silky black as well. Across from the bed was another room where Yuzu heard the shower running. She wanted to check it out but what if there was a killer in that room? She quickly tip-toed to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't open. She started to grunt and groan trying to open the door not realizing that the water had stopped. "I locked the door so you wouldn't escape" The person said. Yuzu turned around and looked at the girl before her. She wasn't wearing a towel which made Yuzu blush. Yuzu continued to try to open the door and noticed the girl before. She was the one that was staring at her through the window. The girl moved closer and and Yuzu tried to back up. With every step the girl took flashbacks of what happened to her family and Harumi hit Yuzu. "My name is Mei Aihara, Your mate to be" Mei reached her hand out for a handshake but Yuzu wasn't having any of that. Yuzu looked at Mei with disgust and spat in her face. The spit landed on Mei's bottom lip and licked it off. "Straight to sex then? No problem with me." Yuzu now looked scared and ran to the other side of the room but Mei caught her and threw onto the bed then climbed on top of Yuzu.

~Sorry this chapter is short. Im going through somethings right now. Chapter 5 will be heated though so put on your creep face. C ya laterz~

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