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Hearing what Mei said put a smile on Yuzu's face. "It's good to be back-" Yuzu was cut off by a breach in the home and screams. "Round them up and bring them to me. FOR OUR LEADER SLADEEEE!!" Adrenaline kicked in for both females. Yuzu was covered in fur while Mei stayed naked. Yuzu went out the room with Mei behind her, mind linking her father to tell him the breach. Yuzu saw the first enemy and leaped at him and bit his arm off then went for his neck. Mei saw the next one and roundhouse kicked his face down the flight of stairs. She grabbed the dual blades off of the wall. "I thought those were display only?" Yuzu questioned. Mei jumped down and stabbed her enemy in the chest "It's a trick". She ran to the next and Yuzu leaped to the next person. "Damn Vamps" Yuzu shouted in anger then proceeded to bite of the face of her enemy. "Hey!" Mei shouted back then stabbed someone else. "You right" she cut off someone else arm after that. After killing what they thought was the last one more come out of rooms with workers in front of them.

     "One more move and we'll rip them apart" The male said. He had Haru's grandmother tightly making her winced in pain. "I swear if you hurt her again-" Yuzu took one small step closer.
"YUZU" Mei shouted. "Stay. YOU ALL HAVE THE PERMISSION TO DEFEND YOURSELVES" It only took them 2.5 seconds to kill their enemies. All of them dropping like flies, some intact, others missing 2 or 3 limbs. Yuzu was shocked. "Now Yuzu, I may be old but I still have to defend myself. Granny still got it" She laughed and Yuzu was still shocked. Mei's dad barged in looking around. "God it was a good called to still train the workers to fight" He said and Yuzu looked at Mei "what-" then her father "He-"  then at Haru's grandma "You-" then back at Mei. "I quit- I'm going back to bed" Yuzu was about to leave until..

      "Helloooo dear familyyyyyyy" Yuzu stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned around to look at Slade in the flesh. "Missed me brotherrrr?" Mr. Aihara lunges at him but Slade caught him and threw him to the wall. "Like my new strength? Wanna kno where I got it from?!" A roar came from upstairs and down comes Yuzu's mom in full transformation but her claws and teeth were sharper than regular and her body grew more muscular. The colors of her fur changed as well, now it's black with white at her paws. She has a mane almost like a lions, it was also black but with white tips. She had the body of a wolf, head of a lion, and a tail of a dragon.

     "She has been corrupted. In a good and powerful way" Yuzu's Wolf said. "What do you mean..?" Yuzu growled. "Congrats Yuzu... You are the daughter of the devils guardian"

"What?" Yuzu questioned while looking at her mom. For some reason it made Yuzu want to transform herself. "I'll kill you and spit on your grave!" Her mother shouted. "If there will be a grave, I have your husbands powers. I'm surprised he didn't tell you, ahhh such forbidden love, The Devil's guardian and God's loyal hound" Slade said with a smirk. " You shut your whore mouth!" Her eyes glowed white. " I have the whore mouth? You were the one who left me for someone else's success and money" Slade said back. " You're fucking delusional, I left you because you always thought that money would make me happy, I don't want your money, I wanted hard work success, to go through good times and overcome bad times, someone that I could talk to even if they were still mad at me or going through their own SHIT!" The force of her power nearly broke the floor beneath her. " You couldn't provide any of that you just waste your family's money like it nothing. No one wonder they didn't like you. No wonder I left you!" 

"aaaarrrrrRRRRRHHHHHH" Slade attacked Yuzu's mom But she threw him like he threw Mr. Aihara. Both brothers were looking at each other and Mr. Aihara laughed at his foolish brother. "Fool.. You'll die here and I'll laugh and I'll make sure Yuzu rules your land" Mr. Aihara laughed harder and harder while his brother looked at him with rage. He found a piece of wood and stabbed his brother multiple times. "HOW'S THAT FOR A FOOL!? HUH?! I'LL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN YOU! DIE! FUCKING DIE! YOU AND YOUR DAMNED KINGDOM!" 

Mei quickly came to her fathers aid and kicked her uncle full force landing in the next room. "Don't you touch him you monster!" She held her father in her arms while he was spitting out blood. He touched her arms and gave it a squeeze hoping that she won't worry and that he'll be okay but she didn't catch that. She was worried about his blood not stopping. "Why aren't you stopping your blood? Why aren't you healing?" She said. "I- I'll b-be alright.." He was choking on his blood. Soon Mr. Aihara started to panic because Mei was right, he wasn't healing like usual. He looked at Mei with worried eyes before taking his last bloody breath. 

"Daddyyyyyyyy" Mei screamed.

~Hi I'm back and will finally try to continue this book. Hopefully it will be done by June 15th maybe sooner than that. I hope you enjoy this chapter. C ya laterz~

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