It's Complicated: 3

Start from the beginning

The sunlight beating down on my closed eyelids stirs me from my sleep. I open my eyes slowly and shield my them from the sun with my hand. Rolling over slightly I hear the crinkling of pages and see my book partially underneath me. I pick it up and notice I bent a bunch of the pages. Frowning, I unfold them and set the book back on the table.

Must have fallen asleep while I was reading last night.

I take my glasses off my face and hold them up to the light to clean. Well, I fell asleep with my glasses on to. They're a little crooked so now when I wear them, they're just a smidge askew. Dang I was planning on wearing them today, but I hate when they're not straight because they get uncomfortable.

Grabbing a pair of dark jeans and a t-shirt, I change into them and wander into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put my contacts in since my glasses need adjusted. Because I'm lazy, I put my blond hair up into a ponytale and grab a black headband. Done!

For shoes I slip on a pair of converse with mismatching socks. Like I said, I'm kinda lazy so I just grabbed two socks and viola, they're on my feet now.

Having gotten board last night after Barron left, I used my computer to look up the area. There's a town with a mall not that far from here. It might be a little over a half hour if I walk, but unless I want to be caught, walking will have to do. Plus, having a credit card allows me to buy things without tipping my mom off I left the house since it's not her account.

I open my door just a crack to see if anyone's in the hall and slip quietly out of my room since the coast is clear. Making my way as quietly as possible down the hall and to the top of the stairs, I strain my ears to listen for activity downstairs. I think the TV in the living room is on and there's a sudden clatter coming from the kitchen. Sounds like both mom and what's-his-face are home. There's no way I can make it out the front door without being seen.

I creep quietly back to my room to think. I can't go out the front door and the only other ways out aer through the back door which is unreachable or through a window.

Curious, I go to the window along the one wall and unlock it. Pushing it open far enough for me to stick my head out, the first thing I see is the roof sloping down towards the ground and if I were to jump, it would only be about ten feet. Then when I need to get back up later, I can climb the tree I saw on the other side of the house and just walk around the roof back to my window. Yea, that'll work.

I bring my head back in and stick my left foot out the opening. Then I duck my head under and make sure to hold onto the window sill as I bring my other leg out after me. Counting to three, I let go and carefully slide on my butt to the edge of the roof. I dangle my legs over the side just as I hear voices. Paniking, I pull my feet back up and lie flat on my back.

"I don't know what to do Rich. She's so difficult." I recognize James'voice and I hold my breath. It's not that I'm afraid of him, it's that I don't want to get caught and my attempt to go to the mall ruined. In fact, if I get the chance to hit that man, I'll do it without a second thought.

"Just give her time James. This can''t be easy on her." There's a pause and I'm afraid to let out my held breath, but my lungs are starting to ache from holding my breath for so long. "You haven't told her anything have you." Rich's voice sounds full of question.

"I can't just bring it up in a normal conversation. Who knows what will happen." What the heck are they alking about? The two men move in my line of vision and I pray they don't turn around otherwise they'll see me.

"So you're going to wait until she changes and then tell her." James shrugs and keeps walking in the opposite direction towards the forest. So he's a nature person that goes for walks. How charming. And what do they mean when I change they'll tell me?! The only thing it could be is when I change my mind about everyone here because I've already been through my teenage years. Grew quite a bit in middle school.

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