Chapter 11 Supernatural Shopping By Eriya

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It didn't take me long to get the hint that Ari wanted to have some time alone with Rora. He'd been trying to talk to her any chance he got throughout training but she had barely given him the time of day. When we were just relaxing and roasting cartoons, Rora walked in, being curious about what we were laughing about. I saw Ari's pleading eyes and went upstairs to ask Rubi, who was watching TV in her own room, if we needed anything from the store.

"Yeah, but Nik is about to go take care of it."

"I can go with him if he doesn't mind. Maybe we can start over on the way."

She agreed immediately and I gave Ari a thumbs up as I walked out the front door.

It was the most awkward 30 minute drive I've ever had to endure.

When I asked if he could play some music, he connected his phone and did his best to put me to sleep with a mix of lofi and introspective songs that were depressing to say the least. It got to the point where I couldn't handle it and I finally decided to take over the aux cord. Ignoring Nik's protests, I picked one of my several playlists on Spotify and lightened the mood a bit. The ride continued on with a mix of reggaeton and R&B until I felt like it was finally time to do something other than scroll through Instagram. I turned from my phone and looked over at Nik.

"Hey, how exactly did you all get your names?"

"Whaddya mean?" he replied in a low tone.

"Well Nikorasu and Oruto don't exactly sound very ... how should I say ... white? Or Floridian?"

He sighed. "My dad was part of a squad during the Great War. And before you say anything stupid—" He held up his hand to stop me from interrupting. "—yes my dad is over 70-something years old. Angels age dramatically slower than humans once we reach maturity. But anyway, a really good friend of his during the War saved his life, or something like that. I'm named after him and our last name comes from him also. Every, like, 50 years he has to relocate so that the government doesn't come knocking on our door, asking how my dad still looks so young for someone who remembers World War I and II."

"Hm," I sighed, letting it all sink in. "So ... really, how old are you and Rubi?"

"Well since we haven't matured yet, we're the same age that we look. If you were listening you'd realize that." He looked over and saw my interrogating eyes and said, "She's 16 and I'm 18. Just graduated and walking on at Florida State."

"Nice," I said, and returned back to an awkwardness that was broken only by the music being played.

Once we were in the city, I asked him what we were getting and if we needed anything extra, trying desperately to break the silence.

"How about you take this one. I've got a meeting I gotta get to that might take a while. Rubi's sending you the list, right?"

I nodded and checked my phone to make sure.

"Ok, just be ready when I pick you up. Don't wanna be sittin out here waiting on your slow underass." He gave a sly smile.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car in front of the Publix. "Oh yeah, when did you say you were—"

His screeching tires cut me off as his dark grey BMW sped out of the parking lot. "Well thanks, man," I muttered to myself. Making sure my hoodie and cargo shorts didn't draw too much attention, I made my way into Publix. I checked the grocery list on my phone that Rubi continued to update and decided to start in the drinks section.

I reached for the last six pack of Sprite I saw, but another hand was in the way. I looked up and saw a man that looked to be in his twenties or thirties in a black and white suit. He had a wide, pale grin as our eyes met.

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