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Two bodies were laid out in the midst of a crater that looked to be the size of a tennis court. One had long black hair that was almost unrecognizable after all she had gone through; the other had even longer chocolate and blonde hair that was once one of the most beautiful things in the world.

The one who had done that to them had hair that was burned at the ends by a girl she had dispatched a long time ago. She looked at me and decided that I was her next target. The ringing in my ears from the explosion that caused the crater was just now starting to fade away, and even though the might of more than 10 supernatural beings wasn't enough to stop her, I had no choice but to try one last attack.

I forced myself up as much as I could and faced her. I took a deep breath and tossed aside my only support. My sword clattered and clanged on the ground before finally coming to rest in the dust. I steadied myself and stood as strong as I could.

I screamed her name, hoping that she could hear the desperation in my voice.

In the corner of my eye I saw movement from the crater yet I couldn't dare let my eyes betray me as I spoke. "No matter how much you brainwash her, she'll always find a way out." My emotions came to the surface as I saw my support working her way around to attack.

The girl who had overpowered all of us just smirked. "Fine then. I'll let you see for yourse--"

My support sliced for the girl's throat, and I'm not sure how fast the girl could possibly move, but she somehow dodged the attack of someone who had been trained longer than I had known her.

"Get back!" I shouted, but it was too late. My support already had her mind set that she was going to finish this herself. Both girls engaged in hand-to-hand combat that on any other day would've been mesmerizing. Despite the girl's much stronger power level, my support's nimble and quick attacks didn't allow the girl to get a solid read on her. For a second I thought she might actually be able to land the crippling blow so that we could finally incapacitate the girl that had made all of us reconsider if we even wanted to be alive any more.

Of course, it went downhill from there.

It happened so fast that I almost missed it. When my support tried to do an underhanded cut, the girl caught her wrist firmly and yanked her to where they were face to face. She then grabbed my support's throat and picked her up off of the ground with ease. The fear in her eyes never showed until the overpowered girl's grip got tighter. Her unkempt nails dug into flesh, leaving marks that soon turned into blood. My support struggled uselessly in her grasp, and her kicks and gasps slowly started to fade.

I stumbled over as best I could and cried for the girl to stop. Instead, she held up her palm in a gesture that had spelled death for so many others more powerful than me. To my surprise, no blast of energy came out to put me in the same state, but I would've taken that and much worse rather than witness what happened next.

The body that was in her clutches was now lifeless, its light seeping into the hand of the one I had promised to follow to hell and back.

Heavenly Host High: Dawn of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now