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That day, Geiz woke up early that morning. It's not that he had a plan to do or have any place to go though. After takes a shower, Geiz went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Then, he got a phone call from Hariz.

Geiz: Hey, bro. How you're doing?

Hariz: I'm good. So, just 3 weeks before Wrestlemania. How do you feel?

Geiz: I'm great. Oh, by the way, how does it feel becoming GHC Heavyweight Champion last week?

Hariz: Great, of course. Now, I'm on par with you.

Geiz: Yeah, right. At least I'm not being fired before even debut here on NXT.

Hariz: Shut up, Geiz. So, how's thing with Mayu-chan?

Geiz: Great. I love her so much, you know.

Hariz: Good to hear that. Well, what about Kaori-san?

Geiz: Well, she's not bothering me for now. I hope it will remain forever.

Hariz: Yeah. By the way, any news from Tommy?

Geiz: No, so far. But, I'm telling you the truth, bro. I don't think that he will return to AEW right now. With Jimmy is still there. He might be signed with Ring of Honor, MLW or IMPACT if you asked me.

Hariz: Yeah. But, still. It's Tommy we're talking about. He loves making surprise.

Geiz: Yeah. Anyway, need to go now. Tell all our friends I say hi.

Hariz: Okay, bro. Take care. Say hi to Mayu, Hallie and Toni for me.

Geiz: Will do. Sayonara.

Hariz: Sayonara.

Then, they hung up.

"He didn't know, right?" asked Tommy.

"Yes. But, he somehow knew that you won't be back to AEW", replied Hariz.

"Well, that's common sense. There's no way I will be back there unless James and Statlander are both out from the company", replied Tommy.

"Well, one thing for sure. Your return in pro wrestling will be huge", said Hariz.

"Well, I'm not the Ace of Terrors if I can't do such thing after all", said Tommy. Hariz just chuckled.

Few night later;

Geiz arrived at Full Sail for NXT. He then enters his locker room. Later, he heard somebody knocked the door.

"Come in, please", said Geiz. The door's open and it's Kairi at the door.

"Gaizu-kun", said Kairi.

"Hoka ni nani ga hoshīdesu ka?" asked Geiz. (What else do you want?)

"Atashi wa", before Kairi can finished his word Mayu came in.

"Hanarete, senpai. Kare ni watashi o sute saseyou to moshi nai", said Mayu. (Go away, senpai. Don't you even bother to make him to dump me)

"Anata wa kare ni ataishinai. Atashi ga yarimasu", replied Kairi. (You don't deserve him. I do)

"Nani? Anata ga kare ni shita koto no nochi de, anata wa mada watashi yori kare ni ataisuru to itte imasu ka?" asked Mayu. (What? After what you did to him, you still saying you deserve him more than me?)

"Mochiron sō yo. Atashi wa anata yori kawaikute, iumademonaku, atashi wa anata yori ninki ga arimasu. Ressurumania no meinshō ni sanka suru hito wa, anata no yōna shinjinde wa naku, atashitoisshoni shūryō suru hitsuyō ga arimasu", replied Kairi. (Of course I am. I'm cuter than you and not to mention, I'm more popular than you. Someone that will be part of Wrestlemania main show should be ended up with me, not a newcomer like you)

GEIZ: THE KING OF MARUFUJI CLAN (Kairi Sane X Mayu Iwatani X OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now