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Geiz is still sleeping when he got a phone call from Io.

Geiz: Hello.


(Geiz was so shocked until it makes him fell down from his bed)

Geiz: Itai. Nani ga warui no, baaka nee-chan. (It's hurt. What's wrong with you, foolish big sister)

Io: Anata wa chōdo anata no beddo kara ochimashita ka? (Did you just fell from your bed?)

Geiz: Mochiron sō yo. Shinken ni, naze onee-chan wa kesa ore ni himei o ageta nodesu ka (Of course I am. Seriously, why did you scream at me this morning?)

Io:  Hontōni nanimonai. Onee-chan ga anata ni sakende inainara, anata wa mada nete iru kamo shiremasen (Nothing. It just that if I not scream at you, you might still sleeping.)

Geiz: Sore de, naze kore o ore ni hayaku denwa shita nodesu ka?  (So, why did you call me this early?)

Io: Onee-chan toisshoni chōshoku o toru yō onegaishimasu. (I want to ask you to go breakfast with me)

Geiz: Tcch, sore dakedesu ka? (Is that all?)

Io: Hai.. Īkagen'ni shite. 15-Bu de ie ni mochikaeru (Yes. C'mon, fetch at my place in 15 minutes.)

Geiz: Okay. Onee-chan ga shiharaimashita. (You paid)

Before Io can say anything, Geiz hung up and makes his way to the bathroom. Later, he puts on a Suzuki-gun t-shirt, black jeans and wear his casual shoes before picks up his porch bag and car key before went down from his apartment.

After a short drive;

Geiz arrives at Io's house and press horn for a few time before Io came out and Geiz was surprised since Io is out with Kairi. Then both of them entering Geiz's car.

"Osoi na, Geiz-kun", said Io. (You're late)

"Gomen, gomen. Ja, ikimashou", answer Geiz. (Sorry, Sorry. Now, let's go). When both ladies already entering the car and close the door, Geiz drives away.

"Futatabi shin'ya made gēmu o shimasu ka, anata wa?" asked Io. (Playing games till late night again aren't you?)

"Yup", replied Geiz. Io just sighed.

"Hontõni, ototo. Hoka ni yaru koto wa arimasen ka?" asked Io. (Seriously, little brother. Don't you have anything else to do?)

"Yoru wa hoka ni nani ga dekimasu ka, onee-chan?" asked Geiz in return. (What else can I do at night, sis?)

"Shiru ka? Gēmu igai no", said Io. (Who knows? Other than playing games)

"Jissai, onee-chan wa tadashī.. Yopparau, ihōna rēsu ni sanka suru, mayaku o nomu, baishunpu to sugosu nado, watashinidekirukoto wa takusan arimasu", said Geiz before Io knocks his head. (Actually, you're right. There's many thing I can do like getting drunk, involve in illegal racing, getting drugs and spend time with prostitute)

"Anata wa sore no izureka o shita baai, oneechan wa anata ga mohaya oneechan no otode wa nai to kangaete imasu", said Io. (If you did any of it, I consider that you're no longer my little brother)

"Tcch, Tada gēmu o purei shite iru koto ni kansha shimasu", said Geiz. (So, be grateful that I just playing games). Kairi just smiled seeing those 2 st
siblings quarel.

GEIZ: THE KING OF MARUFUJI CLAN (Kairi Sane X Mayu Iwatani X OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now