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It's time for the first date between Geiz and Kairi. Even though it just a friend's date, Geiz can't help but to feel nervous. Suddenly, he got a phone call from an unknown foreigner number.

Geiz: Hello. Who's there?

??: Yo, Geiz. It's me, Hariz Parker.

Hariz Parker is a mixed Malaysian-British wrestler that is also one of Geiz's friends during his time at NOAH.

Geiz: Oh, it's you. It's been a while.

Hariz: How are you doing there?

Geiz: I'm great. What about you?

Hariz: Never better. By the way, I got a news that you will date with Kaori-san today.

Geiz: Oh, fuck. Where did you get that news?

Hariz: Well, I have my own way getting information from.

Geiz: I see. But it just a friend's date, not a lover's date though.

Hariz: But still. You still feel nervous, right?

Geiz: Of course I am. Have any tips?

Hariz: You want a tips from me, someone that failed in relationship since secondary school?

Geiz: Well, at least you had experience and with Gionna, she's the one that cheated on you.

Hariz: Okay, then. Since this is your first date and it is a friend's date, first just wear something casual but looks good.

Geiz: Is a long sleeve shirt and jeans good enough?

Hariz: Good boy. 2nd just act normal. But of course some romantic acts like open the door for her is good too but don't do it to much.

Geiz: I got it. Well then, is there anything else?

Hariz: Well, I think it's good enough. Just 1 thing.

Geiz: What is it?

Hariz: Don't embarrass yourself. That's all

Geiz: Okay. I should go now... Thanks, mate

Hariz: No problem. Tell Kaori-san that I say hi.

Geiz: I got it. Bye then.

Then, they hung up.

At 7pm, Geiz arrives at Kairi's house and send her the text about his arrival. Few minutes later, Kairi exits her house and get into the car.

"Gomen, Geiz-kun. Atashi wa sukoshi okurete imasu", said Kairi. (Sorry, Geiz-kun. I'm a bit late)

"Shinpaishinaide. Yappari sūbun", said Geiz. (Don't worry. It just a few minutes after all)

"Jā, ikimashou", said Kairi. (Let's go then)

"Okay", said Geiz before drives away to the cinema.

Later, after watching movie;

Geiz and Kairi having late dinner at a diner nearby the cinema.

"Arigatõ ne, Geiz-kun for today", said Kairi.

"Shinpaishinnai, Kaori-san. I have fun too", said Geiz.

"Nē, Geiz-kun. Can I ask you something?" asked Kairi.

"What is it, Kaori-san?" asked Geiz.

GEIZ: THE KING OF MARUFUJI CLAN (Kairi Sane X Mayu Iwatani X OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now