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That morning, Geiz went for a jogging at a nearby lake. Then, Geiz saw Rhea Ripley was there.

"Hi, Demi", said Geiz.

"Oh, hi Geiz. Just alone?" asked Rhea.

"Yes", said Geiz.

"So, congratulation on winning the NXT title at Survivor Series", said Rhea.

"Oh, thanks", said Geiz.

"So, why NXT?" asked Rhea.

"You know why", said Geiz.

"It's about Kaori, huh. Don't worry, I'll make sure that nobody in NXT Women's locker room spreading hatred about you", said Rhea.

"Thanks, Demi. I'm glad that I have you as my bestfriend", said Geiz.

"Don't mention it. You're the only boy that I acknowledge as my bestfriend after all", said Rhea.

"Thanks alot. Really need to hear something like that", said Geiz.

"So, ready to make your NXT return tonight?" asked Rhea.

"Yes. Quite nervous actually", said Geiz.

"Nervous? You will return to your home though", said Rhea. Geiz chuckled.

"I know. I wonder if NXT Universe can still accept me or not", said Geiz.

"Of course they don't. You're a pervert after all", said Kairi that appeared out of nowhere. Geiz glared at Kairi.

"You know what, Demi. I'll just see you later tonight then", said Geiz.

"Okay, bro. See you tonight", said Rhea. Then, they're bumping fist before walked away.

Later on;

Kairi is hangout with Iiconics and Dakota Kai.

"You know what, I'm so pissed off this morning", said Kairi.

"What's the matter?" asked Peyton.

"That pervert Geiz. He was talking to Demi this morning and when I came, he and Demi walked away and ignoring me", said Kairi.

"Really? That's rude", said Peyton.

"I know, right. I think he tried to make all NXT women rosters to turn their back on me", said Kairi.

"Like how you did to him in the main rosters?" asked Io that suddenly appears with Candice LeRae and Taynara Conti.

"I don't know what are you talking about, Io", said Kairi.

"I had enough of it, Kaori-san. You caused my brother to be a lonely boy right now. Not to mention, he got involved in the car crash is also because of you. You're lucky that he survive. If I lost him that time, I'll sue you for causing his death", said Io.

"How can you blame Kaori for that, Io? It's unfair", said Peyton.

"Well, do you think what she did to Geiz was fair?" asked Candice.

"That pervert deserved that", said Dakota.

"What if the pervert here is not Geiz but actually the pirate princess here?" asked Taynara.

"Mind your language, girl", said Billie Kay.

"If all of you here learn how to mind your manners, then I will mind my language", said Taynara.

"Well said. C'mon, girls. Let's go", said Io before she, Candice and Taynara walked away.

Later that night;

GEIZ: THE KING OF MARUFUJI CLAN (Kairi Sane X Mayu Iwatani X OC) [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang