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Chapter 35 

After the night in the tavern, my guilt worsened every day watching Leon interact with the King, Prince, and other nobility. Although I know Arthur doesn't care about such things, secretly pining over Gwen. They have it worse than me, Arthur being the Crown Prince, it would never be allowed under Uther's watch. Is it not selfish of me to have Leon when he could wed somebody who would bring his family more power? Would they see him and only think of me, a lowly seamstress? Leon has never mentioned anything about ranks or expressed any worries but it is no secret that marriage is a common topic among the nobility.

And this doesn't even begin to describe the guilt I feel for having splurged Merlin's secret to Castor. The warlock has not been arrested thus far so the knight has kept his promise, one I will be eternally grateful for.

I ponder through the castle, returning from Lady Morgana's chamber to finally hand her the dress that has been taunting me for weeks. Gwen is getting better physically. Her eyes less sunken and she no longer broke down in tears throughout the day. It would take much more than a month for her to overcome her father's death though, something I knew from experience.

I notice Merlin walking rather feverishly back towards where I would assume as Gaius'.

"Merlin?" I call out, the boy half turning his body at the sound of his name. "Are you alright?" I jog over to him when he doesn't answer aloud. His bottom lip is between his teeth and his eyes moving constantly around. "Merlin," I urge. "What is it?"

"There was this...thing in the forest while we were hunting," he begins. "It was like nothing I've ever seen before. A huge beast." His words seem lost at how to describe it any further.

"Does Gaius know what it is?" I pester, not understanding how bad it can be.

"I think so, he's speaking with the King now."

"Are you going back to your chambers?"


"I'll come along too."

Gaius soon returns from his council with the King and Prince Arthur looking wearier than I have seen him in a long time. He places down a book, open to a page with a creature I can only describe as belonging on the 'Spliced' tv show from my childhood. A spotted body belonging to a snow leopard but marge stockier than one with the head of a cobra. I thank heaven that I was not on the hunting trip.

"It is called a Questing Beast, a creature of the Old Religion," Gaius explains. "Arthur is selecting his best knights to go out a defeat it."

"Why would you?" I exclaim, looking at the image. "It's not like it caused us any problems before, so shouldn't we just leave it to move on."

"Uther is set on destroying it before it can do any damage. He hates anything belonging to the Old Religion."

"If anybody can do it, Arthur can," Merlin reassures. "And I'll be around to help."

"And me," I add, one side of my face smirking. Merlin's brow furrows.

"I'm not sure Arthur would allow you to come on such a dangerous job," he remarks as though careful not to offend me. I scoff and wave my hand in front of my face.

"Please, he's taking you and he thinks you're useless. And besides, I won't be asking permission," I state, nodding my head once to finalise my argument. Gaius frowns at the both of us.

"I don' think either of you should go and certainly not Arthur," he argues, closing the book. "This is no ordinary beast."

Merlin sighs, giving Gaius a small smile of confidence. "Don't worry."

Lost in Albion 1 (Merlin) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now