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Chapter 13

"I thought you were here to do the servant's work, Elena," Castor mocks from his horse as we cross paths with them back to camp. Rabbits and squirrels are attached to their horses. "You should be the one dragging around stuff."

"Sorry, to busy hauling your attitude," I jeer, flicking the rabbit tied to his horse away from my head. "Besides, wouldn't even have the stag if it wasn't for me."

"She's right lads," Torj adds, tossing the deer to the side as the men dismount and tie their horses to a tree.

Together, we dismantle our camp, smothering the embers of the fire from last night and prepare our kills for travelling. Leon and I offer to take their water bottles and fill them up at a stream nearby making general chatter as we walk.

"You never speak about your home," Leon points out, his tone casual but curiosity peeks through. I look up into the trees, the sun still high for another few hours.

"Not much to say really." I pause, thinking about what I can say. "You know I had a brother, my mother died when I was young in an accident but I don't really remember her. My father raised me and I just helped him out I suppose."

"What was your home like, in Mearth? I've never heard about such a place and I even asked Geoffrey to look it up but there was nothing?" I am surprised that he went to Geoffrey to ask about my home rather than me.

"It's... far away from here, much different from these lands," is all I say. Leon sighs deeply.

"That's all you ever say. I feel like I know you so well but yet I know nothing about you before we found you."

I don't speak, just watching him but he isn't looking at me. He looks forward as we keep on walking, his blonde, curly hair dishevelled with from sweat and riding.

"One day, I will tell you everything," I don't even know what I am saying. "It's hard to understand. I'm afraid that you won't see me the same way." And that I'll be put to death. I had seen the trials Uther has put forth, many killed for the war against magic. Even though it isn't my fault, I had no say in the matter; I know the mindset of the King. But one day I would, the day I leave here or I was certain of my death. And there is a large possibility of at least one of them.

"Do you not trust me?" he asks after moments of silence, voice quieter than before.

"Of course I do," my reply is instant, not even having to think about it. I trust them all with my life, even Finnegan and Harris. "It's fear of the unknown that I don't." Leon stops for a second, looking at me, opening his mouth to say something but decides against it, continuing to walk so I change the subject. "Torj asked me earlier if somebody had asked me something specific. Wouldn't happen to know what he was talking about do you?" Leon shakes his head, eyes forward.

"No idea."

"Were you born in Camelot?"

"Yes," he nods, "My father was a lord and I made friends with Arthur when I was young. I met Torj when his father died, he was a knight. Torj was sent to live with a family friend when I met him on the way to training one day and you know the story of Castor," he chuckles, dipping a water pouch into the stream. "I had always wanted to be a knight. I would spend my free time watching them train. Just as you watch us every day," he winks.

"You see me?" I ask, reddening cheeks. Sometimes I watched them at the training grounds which is no secret but other times I would sit by the window, which I did not know they saw me at.

"Same window I used to look out of," he tells me, smiling gently.

"And now you are one of their most loyal and trusted," I say to hide from the topic of my spying.

Lost in Albion 1 (Merlin) - CompletedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu